Page 67 of Angel's Kiss
“I also had the nurse take a couple of pictures for you.”
I look up at the nurse and smile just as she takes another picture.
The rest of the day progresses with Maya, Duncan and James taking turns feeding Isabella via bottle. Ana even takes a turn, but it’s hard for her to do because she would leak breast milk and Isabella would get frustrated.
It's the final feeding before we try to breastfeed and I'm sitting in the chair like I've done a couple times already. She’s just about finished and I look down to see her eyes fall close. My world is finally complete, the peace I've searched for is within my arms.
I lean my head back against the rocker and close my eyes, relishing the peace, when the hairs on the back of my neck rise. Someone is watching me. After years of training I know to keep calm. I open my left eye just a little and look out into the hallway, but I don't see anyone. I roll my head to the side like I'm drifting off and I see the stairwell door closing. I completely raise my head and look around. No one.
“Nurse, was there someone out there just a moment ago?”
“I saw a man looking into the regular nursery. Must have been a relative.”
“Thank you.”
I hand her Isabella and pull my shirt back on, wondering if my nerves are off from the lack of sleep and all the stress of the last few days. By the time I get back to Ana's room, I've forgotten all about the incident.
Chapter Twenty-Five
The days are flowing together. Isabella took to nursing so well, she is gaining weight and finally up to where the doctors want her to be. Maya bought a special pillow that's helped me with holding her while nursing. The neurologist has decided to keep me on the anti-seizure medicine for a bit longer. The cardiologist has released me from his care but wants me to monitor my blood pressure. I was discharged a week ago but have been staying in a special suite by the neonatal unit.
Joshua's been with me almost every day. I haven't noticed if anyone else has been guarding me, but knowing Joshua, there is someone out there. Today while walking around the hospital, I noticed a man watching me. He walks up to me now as I'm looking through the glass at Isabella while the doctor does some more tests on her.
“She's beautiful,” he says in a gruff voice.
“Yes, she is.” I smile back.
“I bet her daddy is very proud.”
“He is. He tells her all the time she’s his world and his sunshine.”
“Bet he'll protect her with his own life.”
“Yes, he would.” I look at the stranger with my eyebrows raised.
That was strange. Why would he ask that? I'm about to ask him what he means when he walks away and steps into the stairwell. I need to ask Joshua if he hired new people, but I’m distracted when Maya shows up with bridal magazines. She also brought me a sketch pad and some of my sketching things.
When Isabella sleeps, I try to sleep, but sometimes I find myself restless, so I've been sketching different hospital staff members. I can't wait to get home with Isabella, I want her in our space, and I want to be near my things. It feels like I'm being watched more than usual. I know Joshua is concerned about my exposure here, but we have no choice right now.
The nurse steps in with Isabella so I can nurse her before Joshua gets back from the compound where he had to go do some work with Greg. Maya is sitting in the chair next to me getting frustrated with all the decisions she needs to make for the wedding.
“Her grandpa was here again to see her. He still won't hold her, but he asks about her and spends time watching her,” the nurse says, and I look to Maya. She shakes her head.
“Maybe James had one of the guys give him a ride,” she says as the nurse leaves. I nurse Isabella and let the anxiety go.
Tomorrow could be our final night here, and I'm excited.
Tonight we are doing rooming in so we can take Isabella home tomorrow. It’s been two weeks since she was born. Dr. Parker is going to be stopping by to check up on us before she heads home.
“Hello, how are you feeling, Ana?”
“I'm feeling fine, Dr. Parker. I'm excited to go home tomorrow,” I say as I set my sketching down and wipe my hands on the wash cloth next to me.
“I just wanted to stop by and see how you were and visit.” I smile at her as the nurse carries in Isabella, and Dr. Parker walks over to the nurse. “May I hold her, Ana?” She turns to me, she's kept her distance when Isabella is around. I see the nurse smile at Dr. Parker, but Dr. Parker gives her a stern look, the nurse's head drops. I turn to look at Joshua, and he's watching the exchange too.
“Of course you can hold her. She and I wouldn't be here if not for you.” I smile brightly, hoping to cover my confusion.