Page 56 of The Decision Maker
“And?” Trent prompts.
Mason’s jaw works while Teagan emits a strangled whimper. “And they’re all dead,” he mutters.
My eyes go wide. “All of them?” It’s unbelievable.
“Everyone. I don’t know if they saved me for last, or if I was the hardest to track down. Maybe I’ve managed to stay alive longer than everyone else because I’m protected by the hotel.”
Another voice rings out from the hall leading into the room. “Whoever is behind this, they’ve been planning it for a long time.”
We all turn at once at the sound of Natalie’s entrance. She isn’t quite as loud or strident as I’m used to, but she sounds more like herself than she has in a long time as she strides into the room. She didn’t take the time to get changed and is still sporting pajamas and a messy bun, the way she was when we left her.
I feel Mason’s furious gaze burning a hole into the side of my head. Turning his way, I shrug. “She was asleep.”
“Yeah, and the baby woke up to find herself alone.” She pops her hip to the side, glaring at Dallas and me. Between the two of them, it’ll be a miracle if I don’t burst into flames.
One thing I notice: she hasn’t looked at Mason yet. He’s made a point not to acknowledge her. It’s enough to make me roll my eyes. What is it going to take to bring them back together? “Well?” she demands, dropping into the chair beside Trent. “Catch me up. What did I miss?”
“You were not invited,” Mason grits out, staring at the table.
“And yet here I am,” she reminds him. “Somebody start talking.”
At first, it seems like they’re going to wait each other out while the rest of us sit here like smacked asses. It’s Dallas who breaks the silence. “It looks like all of this is coming out of Russia.”
She shrugs. “I could’ve told you that.”
Mason snorts, still going out of his way to avoid looking at her. “Careful. I might have to ask what you mean by that.”
“Obviously, I mean exactly what you think. That I’m somehow in on all of this shit.” She catches me looking at her, and I guess my disappointment shows. She looks away, biting her lip.
Mason releases a deep breath before continuing. “Satellite footage places this guy at a mob-run brothel in Russia. This doesn’t stop until we stop him.”
“Do we have any more information?” Dallas asks.
“Not much. We’re not even sure of his name. Only of his movements—we were able to track him from that power plant straight to Moscow and beyond. He didn’t waste any time running home.”
“We sure as hell can’t wait until he’s in the wind again,” I decide, and a handful of grunts of agreement follow my statement. “I say we go now. Finish him. I still have contact in Moscow that can get us into the country unnoticed.”
“Hell yes,” Trent grunts. Dallas nods firmly, then turns to Mason.
He opens his mouth, and it’s clear he’s about to agree—before Natalie beats him to the punch. “So, when are we leaving?”
“Who’s we?” Mason asks with a groan. “I don’t remember inviting you.”
“I don’t remember asking you for an invite,” she snaps. “Newsflash. I deserve to look him in the fucking face before he takes his last breath. After what he put me through? He blew our mother’s brains out in front of me. He was about to carve my face to ribbons. I’m done being depressed and scared. I need to face my demons. Yeah. I’m going.”
I’m sure as hell not about to agree with her. It’s obvious Dallas is as against the idea as I am, scowling at her, his jaw ticking. And here I am, practically biting my tongue off. What is she thinking?
The problem is, I know what she’s thinking. I wish I didn’t because it would be easier for me to refuse her, to lock her up somewhere until we get back if only I didn’t completely understand her reason for wanting to go. After what she went through, she deserves to look at that bastard once more before he dies. She deserves the satisfaction of his recognition when their eyes meet.
Mason’s seething when he nods. “Fine. You can go.” Before she can react, he adds, “Which means I’m going, too.”
Tension is high as we board the jet a few hours after our explosive meeting in the conference room. I understand why my brother is so upset with me; he has every right to be. I fucked up. I should have listened to him and asked for help instead of going in myself. I already paid for my decision dearly. It’s something that’s going to haunt me for the rest of my life. I shove the thought away. I need to get my head in the game and show the others that they can count on me. If that’s even possible.