Page 52 of The Decision Maker
“Everything will be okay,” Teagan insists. “I mean, God knows brothers can be a pain in the ass. I have more than enough stories.” Yes, because after all, it was her brother’s risky behavior and shit habits that landed her at the hotel to begin with. Not quite the same, but I can see where she would draw the parallel.
“Yeah, brothers are a pain in the ass.” Still, for the first time all day, Natalie musters the ghost of a smile. It doesn’t reach her eyes or last long, but I know I didn’t imagine it.
“I guess I should go. I’m right upstairs if you need me, okay?” She wants to help, and I’m sad for her since it seems her efforts are going unrewarded. I catch Griffin trying to give her a reassuring grin before she steps onto the elevator.
There’s nothing about Natalie’s body language to show one way or another whether she noticed Teagan’s exit. She doesn’t move, barely breathes. I exchange a look with Griffin, who lifts a shoulder. What now? She’s out of her room, but what happens now?
One thing is clear: the girl needs to shower. The tearstains on her cheeks are still visible, cutting through whatever grime managed to find its way to her face while she was held captive. All it does is remind me of what she suffered. “You’d feel better if you washed up,” I offer, exchanging another look with Griffin.
“You will,” he agrees. “Wash all that shit away. Let it run off you.”
“Because it’s that easy,” she mutters.
“It can’t hurt.” A flash of inspiration strikes, and I add, “You don’t have to shower alone. There’s plenty of room for all three of us.”
What I wouldn’t give for her to offer some flippant, sexy response. All she does is sigh. “I’ll be fine.”
“You know what? I don’t think you will.” Stepping in front of her, I hold out my hands. It’s time somebody took charge. She’s not some fragile China doll who might shatter at the slightest nudge. This is Natalie, and while she deserves compassion and patience, she needs to be pushed a little. “Come on. Let us take care of you.”
It takes much too long for her to stir from her silent misery, long enough to look up and meet my gaze. Fuck, what I wouldn’t do to wipe away every shred of pain and grief swirling in those blue depths.
“On your feet,” I murmur, curling my fingers toward my palms in a come hither gesture. “We’ll get you cleaned up.”
Griffin takes the initiative, getting up and heading for the bathroom. By the time Natalie places her hands in mine, the shower is already running. The sound gets louder the closer we come to the open door. He’s already waiting for us inside the glass stall, so I help Natalie out of her clothes and lead her inside before quickly stripping to join the two of them. There’s plenty of room, and it seems Griffin and I are on the same page as we join forces to do what Natalie can’t seem to do for herself now.
For once, there is nothing sexual about our interaction. She doesn’t register the fact that she’s in the shower with two naked men, both of whom she’s fucked. She only stands stock still, closing her eyes when I guide her beneath the shower spray to soak her hair. Griffin, meanwhile, wets a loofah sponge and soaps it up. I pour shampoo over Natalie’s head and begin massaging it into fragrant suds, working as slowly and gently as I can. I sense Griffin does the same, cleaning her body carefully, handling her with tenderness.
Were this any other time, I can imagine sparks flying in a situation like this. With her ass pressed against my groin, and her soapy tits in his hands. No doubt we’d have her skewered between us in no time.
As it is, though, she only moves when we move her. Griffin has to lift her arms. I have to tip her head back to rinse her hair. She’s checked out again—the brief interaction with Teagan must’ve taken all of her strength. I’ve seen combat vets sink into shock like this, so profound it numbs them to everything around them. All that exists is the world inside, where everything is dark and cold, but safe.
Eventually, she’s going to figure out she’s safe with us.
For now, it’ll have to be enough to show her and hope she eventually understands.
The last two weeks passed slowly and painfully. I barely talked the first few days, and even after, I had to force each word out of my mouth. The nightmares were brutal during the first week, and by the second, I started taking the sleeping meds Griffin got from medical, out of desperation. Now I just sleep a lot. Sleeping feels good because I don’t have to talk, feel, or think.