Page 9 of Owning Amethyst
Now to collect my wife, but first I’m going to teach my jewel who owns her, and no one touches what I possess.
My heart thunders fast and my body trembles. My breath hitches audibly and I feel the eyes of every person in the room on me. I can’t believe what just happened. What have I done? Heat prickles my skin and for several long seconds I hear nothing over the thundering blood rushing through my ears.
He didn’t come. He didn’t take the bait. Oliver has truly abandoned me.
One billion dollars.
Who would pay that for someone? It’s an obscene amount of money. Surreal even. “I…I…” I can’t gather my thoughts fast enough when the headmistress crosses the stage and says something to me I don’t hear.
“Amethyst.” Boney fingers encircle my bare shoulders and the tall, silver-haired woman dressed like she possesses the grace of a sex goddess shakes me.
“That wasn’t his voice.” My words almost feel disembodied and like they come from some far-off speaker.
“You knew the risks. The deal is done. Solomon will take you to the contract room. Follow him.”
Ice covers her tone. I swallow, turning my eyes back to the crowd one more time. I don’t know why. I can’t see a foot past the edge of the stage. But I know what I heard. That was not Oliver bidding for my body.
Dread washes away all the hope and faith I had in the man I loved from the day he saved my life. And now I have to let him go.
Thick fingers wrap around my bicep and I numbly let myself be taken from the stage. Leaving behind the warmth of the spotlight leaves my skin chilled.
“This way, Miss Amethyst.”
Someone hands me my cloak and I sling it over my shoulders, feeling just as exposed as if I were fully naked in a room full of vipers.
I register nothing about my surroundings until I’m settled into a chair and a piece of paper is placed in front of me.
The walls are black, a single crystal light fixture hangs overhead while scones decorate both sides of a large mirror opposite of me. If it isn’t silver and gleaming, it’s black. Someone has a very limited imagination when it comes to color palettes. It’s easier to focus on useless details than the fact that I am going to be sleeping with a stranger for one billion dollars at some point tonight. Shame rolls over me and I settle my hands on my belly. I failed tonight. Not only myself but my baby, too.
“The deal was one night. The men out there acted like I would belong to them until my death.”
“We let them believe a lot of things. It gets the blood pumping.” He places a silver pen beside a single sheet of paper.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Screw keeping my word.
“You already signed a contract with The Ritual that holds you to following through with the sale of your body. There is no going back on that deal, Miss Amethyst.”
I swallow harshly and try to force my heart to settle down. Right now, it is nearly lurching out of my chest from how hard it beats.
“What would it take for me to get out of it? And this? What is this?” I point to the paper. There are only three paragraphs on it and three lines for signatures.
Solomon’s gentle pat on my shoulder is kind and warm unlike this cold room.
“You are aware of what the first contract holds. You know I am only speaking the truth when I say you are locked in.”
There is a look in his dark eyes that says no one breaks a contract with the Ritual unless they will pay in blood. I’ve witnessed that same look on Oliver’s face a few times when dealing with his men.
“Yes,” I admit. What other choice do I have?
Solomon nods and looks relieved. Like he didn’t want to off a pregnant woman any more than I wanted him to off me. Glad we are on the same page there.
“Now you sign one with the gentleman who just purchased you for the evening.”