Page 24 of Romano
The way he says the innocuous words so smoothly, with a subtle hint of warning, makes my core clench.
“Yes, Mr. Faugno, I do believe we have done some business for your uncle in the past.” The change in Burley’s voice is miraculous. He’s gone from spitting vitriol to oozing charm. “Erm, is Miss…err…Jackson a…friend…of yours?” I very much dislike the way he emphasizes the word ‘friend’ as if I’m Romano’s goddamn whore. Romano sees the expression of outrage on my face and smiles.
“No, Samuel, she’s my girlfriend, so I’d appreciate it if you treated her with the respect she deserves. Her mother is seriously ill in hospital, so she’ll need an extended leave of absence, on full pay, of course. I’m sure you understand.”
Burley sounds like he’s choking on something. There’s a loud bang - probably him dropping his phone in shock - then he comes back on the line.
“Yes, of course. I understand. Miss. Jackson must take all the time she…err…needs. I’m sure Melanie can fill in for Miss Jackson in her absence.” I struggle not to snort with derision. Melanie is incompetent and spends more time in Mr. Ross’s office doing questionable things than she does working.
“I’m pleased we managed to resolve things, Samuel. Any problems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I’m always happy to pop over for an in-person chat.” The way Romano phrases it, I’m pretty sure Burley doesn’t want him anywhere near the office. “Please pass on my very best wishes to your lovely wife, Susannah. I hear she’s recently taken up golf at the same club I’m a member of. I’ll be sure to say hello next time I go.”
The conversation ends and I’m left speechless. How does he know all this? Burley Ross isn’t an especially prestigious firm and I’m pretty sure my boss wouldn’t move in the same circles as the Faugno family.
“Looks like you have a few weeks off, Rory.” Romano passes me my coffee and smiles.
“I’m your girlfriend now?”
His grin widens.
“We have to keep up appearances, Rory.”
I cross my arms. “What about all your othergirlfriends,won’t they be pissed off?”
“What girlfriends?” he says innocently.
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe Kat for starters? She seems to think she’s your girlfriend. In fact, she told me last night how she was just waiting for you to pop the question.”
His jaw drops. “She said that?” He looks furious.
“Yep. Not gonna lie, she’s a psycho so I’d advise you not to hitch your wagon to hers, but whatever. Your funeral.” I effect an air of nonchalance, even though I’m jealous as fuck at the thought of him with that nasty bitch.
“I can assure you Kat is not, nor ever has been, my girlfriend, whatever bullshit she’s spinning.”
Well, good to know. “OK, now we have that sorted, I need to go pick up Joel and see Mom.” I pull up the Uber app on my phone, intending to order a car, but I don’t get the opportunity.
“I’m taking you.” Romano folds his arms, drawing my attention to the way his biceps fill out his perfectly tailored shirt. The man is pure candy to my libido and for a moment I lose track of what I’m supposed to be doing. Oh yes. Uber.
“You’ve already gone above and beyond,” I tell him. “It’s fine. Honestly.” Letting him do all this for me is setting a dangerous precedent. I can’t fall into the habit of relying on him - or anyone. It’s me and Mom against the world. Men are unreliable and a waste of space. Even when they look like they belong on the cover of GQ magazine.Especiallyif they belong on the cover of GQ magazine.
The last time I made the mistake of believing a good-looking guy when he told me he’d take care of me, it backfired spectacularly. With Romano, it’s different. I can already feel gossamer thin tendrils of something more than attraction floating between us. I want to trust him. I really do. My gut says he’s not playing me. It’s so hard though.
“Rory, I’m not taking no for an answer.”
I briefly consider arguing my point just for the sheer hell of it, then decide I can’t be bothered. If Romano wants to embrace his savior complex, I may as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Chapter 23
Kids are not something I’ve thought about before. I’m 30, and as Mom keeps reminding me, I can’t fuck around forever. She doesn’t use those exact words, but the meaning is clear.
Honestly, I never thought I’d settle down. In my head, the years pass and I’m fucking my way through an ever-revolving harem of hot women, each one younger than the last. Leonardo DiCaprio is my role model. The guy is 48 but he still attracts 20-somethings. I have no problem attracting women. I’m sure it will be no different when I’m 50.
Something’s changed though.I’vechanged. Meaningless sex with vacuous women no longer appeals. I want a deeper connection, like the one Salvo has with Thalia. Even Christianohas fallen hard for a woman. I never thought I’d see the day my notoriously buttoned-down brother found love.
He won’t admit it, but I know he’s in love with Cara. Nobody reacts the way he did when she was taken unless they’ve caught feelings. Until now, I’ve teased him mercilessly, but I’m starting to get it. Rory is closed off and refuses to let me in, but the more time I spend with her, the more I want her. She was only supposed to be one night, but somehow, I’ve caught feelings for her.
Rory is like a puzzle. So many hidden layers. I just wish I knew why she was so reserved, so distrustful of men. It’s obvious there’s something in her past that’s scarred her, and I’m determined to find out what.