Page 18 of Romano
“Go and get changed, Rory, your shift is over.”
“But I have another set!”
“I said get changed and go home.”
Now I’m annoyed. If I leave now, I’ll miss out on more tips, and fuck knows I need all the money I can get.
“This is ridiculous, why are you punishing me? It’s not my fault if some creep can’t keep his grubby little hands to himself!”
“I’m trying to protect you!” he yells before taking a deep breath and stepping into my space. I should shove him back, but I’m temporarily hypnotized by his intoxicating scent. “Go home and let things calm down here. I don’t want any more trouble.”
“Fuck you,” I manage to spit out once my brain is back online. “I don’t need you to protect me. I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.”
Before I say anything more and get myself fired, I storm off toward the staff room where my clothes are waiting. I don’t know what his problem is but if he cuts my shifts short every time some creep hits on me, I may as well not bother working here. And if that happens, Mom and I are screwed.
Chapter 16
Iwatch as Rory storms away from me, knowing I’m acting like a complete asshole. Getting involved in shit like this isn’t what I do. We have a security team to protect the staff from unwanted advances and I wouldn’t normally give a flying fuck if some idiot gets a little handsy with one of the girls.
It’s no wonder she’s angry at my OTT attitude, but I don’t regret punching that fucker. I’ve seen him in the VIP section before, acting like he’s all that. He might be the heir to a publishing empire but if he crosses me again, he won’t be breathing come morning. One call and Rico will take care of him, giving me plausible deniability. Not that the cops would touch the case with a barge pole. The chief of police is too reliant on the sweeteners we send his way; he has a mistress with very expensive tastes.
My fists clench and I try to get a grip on the rage flooding my system. People are watching me with fear in their eyes.Good.I want them to stay the hell away. When I walk back to our booth, Christiano is staring at his phone.Again.
He’s done nothing but stare at the damn thing all night. It’s fucking rude if I’m honest. I know he has a thing for Cara, but seriously, acting like a pathetic douche is, well, pathetic. The sad sap needs to man up and accept it if she wants no part of our life.
I drop back into the booth, still mad about the fact Rory didn’t thank me for looking out for her. And also that she’s treating me like I gave her a fucking STD, which I didn’t. Obviously. I test regularly and always wrap it up.
“I do not fucking understand women,” I growl before downing some tequila, enjoying the delicious burn as it slides down my throat.
“You and me both,” Christiano replies dryly. “I’m going to Montauk. Tell Mom I’ll call and see her when I get back.”
WTF?“Has she finally replied to your five thousand pathetic messages?” He ignores my dig, so I sigh and roll my eyes like a douche. “Fine.”Jesus, he’s lost the plot. “I really hope she’s worth all this fuss. In my experience, women are confusing and thoroughly annoying.”
He looks at me like he knows I’m projecting, and I huff with annoyance before swallowing some more tequila.
“She is worth it,” he tells me with a faint smile.
The minute Christiano leaves, Kat sidles over with a smirk on her face. “Have you sacked the new girl?” she asks.
“Of course not.”
“Then why did she take all her stuff and stomp out? She’s supposed to be on until midnight.”
“I told her to finish early, we had some trouble.” Not sure why I’m explaining this to Kat. Pretty sure she could have asked Rory instead of bending my ear.
The grin falls off Kat’s face when she realizes Rory hasn’t gone for good. Then I decide to make her evening even better.
“Since we’re a girl short, you can fill in.”
“What? I don’t dance anymore!”
“Excuse me?” The fucking nerve of this woman. I fix her with a glacial stare, making sure she sees the darkness I normally keep hidden. “You do whatever the fuck I tell you to do.”
That does the trick. She swallows hard and nods. “The exercise will do you good,” I add, enjoying the way she flushes. It’s a low blow, but honestly, she needs taking down a peg or two. Fucking her was a massive mistake. It’s given her a sense of entitlement and now she thinks she’s better than all the other girls.
Well, she isn’t.