Page 53 of Rage's Bounty
“A dive bar, drinking the world away.”
“And you couldn’t answer your phone or messages?” Drake snarled.
“I replied to you. Told you I needed a few days,” Slick answered.
“And that was the last we heard. Fangs might have had hold of you,” Drake growled out.
“Don’t give me shit. You knew where I was. The moment I said I wanted to be alone, you had Mac track my phone and watch me for movement. I bet you even sent someone past the motel,” Slick replied calmly as he laid back on his bed.
“Slick, you’re such a fuckin’ smart ass,” Drake snapped and sat down on a chair.
“Yeah. Not smart enough to keep my woman, though. I led the Fangs straight to her and her family.”
“That was something none of us expected. Fuck, you’ve barely begun to see her,” Drake said and lent his elbows on his knees.
“Yet it was plenty of time for a Fang to recognise she meant something to me. I nearly fucked Summer’s life up.”
“You love her,” Drake stated.
“Yup. And save your words. I love her enough to know she’d be miserable. That the trouble we would bring to her doorstep would eventually wear her down and break her. I love her so much; I’m setting her free to fly.”
“And when she finds a boring asshole to marry?”
“Then I will make sure she stays happy, and he never raises a hand to her. I’ll love her from a distance.”
“Slick, it’s not often I say this, but you are a fuckin’ tool. You’ve literally decided for Summer the life she leads, whether she wants it or not. And what if that girl spends the rest of her life alone, grieving the man she loved and lost?”
“She won’t; Summer is far too special,” Slick denied, shaking his head.
“And you’re letting her slip through your fingers,” Drake said as he got to his feet. He didn’t say another word. His point had been made. Slick watched his pres shut the door behind him and leave. Just as Slick wanted.
It had been two more days since I’d dropped Slick off, and here I was, watching him again. I swear to God the man had a death wish. Drake had given orders that nobody go out alone, yet here he was, all on his lonesome. For some reason, I always ended up watching Slick. I wasn’t a lovely dovey person. I didn’t believe in true love and all that bullshit. Sexual attraction is what I believed in, and I was attracted to Slick. I had an itch and wanted him to scratch it. That was the simple facts.
Even so, I couldn’t in all conscience allow Slick to roam about with a death wish. I watched as he came out of the tattoo shop that Rage co-owned with Hellfire MC. I saw Cowboy run after him, and there was a brief conversation before Slick took off.
With a sigh, I was about to follow when a bike flew from an alley behind the store, and a member of Rage raced after Slick.
Well, now, that freed me up to keep the plans I’d already made.
He didn’t know why he was here, but something had drawn him back. Something was bothering him in relation to Irish. And it was his attraction to her, which was purely sexual. Slick was able to admit he wouldn’t mind fucking her, but she wasn’t Summer or what his heart wanted.
Even so, Slick was here, watching her room. That, too, did not make sense.
Artemis insisted she must have a base somewhere, but Irish was living out of a motel.
That was a conundrum, and he demanded answers. It was bothering him how Irish knew when attacks were going to happen, and he wanted to know how she got her information. So here he was, lurking in the shadows like some damn pervert, watching Irish. Slick knew she was inside; he’d seen movement, but she wasn’t alone. There was a taller, bulkier figure with her. Which meant, for now, Slick watched and waited.
It was an hour later that Irish’s door opened, and he sat up as she poked her head out and glanced around. Slick shrank into the shadows, knowing she wouldn’t be able to see him. His eyes widened as a tall man, about thirty, stepped past her and gave her a chin lift before moving towards a Harley that Slick had already spotted.
Slick’s gaze narrowed when he saw the patch on the guy's back, and his temper flared. He was simply furious. The biker threw his leg over the bike and took off after a cautious lookaround. Slick waited ten minutes to ensure the guy didn’t double back and then swung off his own bike and stormed towards the motel room.
He was going to get his answers tonight.
He banged on the door, and as soon as Irish opened it, Slick forced his way in.