Page 32 of Protector
“Are you okay?”I wheeze through the pain permeating my body.
“I think my arm is broken,” she groans.Being upside down is not conducive to checking on her, and with blood leaking down my face and into my eyes, it’s even harder.
“Malice?”I lift a hand to try and clear my sight, but it makes it worse.I don’t hear anything, and my heart begins to pound with renewed fear.“Malice?”
“He’s not in here,” I hear from behind.“He’s not in the car.”Cece’s panic and fear are hyping up.
The sound of sirens in the distance gives me a hint of hope until I hear it.The crunching of glass, followed by the hollowed sound of silenced gunfire and bullets pinging off metal.“Shit.Cece, we need to get out of here.Can you reach your phone?”
Whimpers and rummaging resound as I unclip my seatbelt.Unprepared for the short but sharp drop, I cry out as my face lands on a piece of glass, and my stomach delivers a fresh wave of agony through my body.Something is wrong, and I think it’s worse than just period cramps.
“Did you get it?”I ask her, sucking in sharp breaths so I don’t scream.
“Yeah, but I can’t dial.”Reaching forward, I take the phone from her.
The problem with my generation is that we program numbers into our phones rather than memorize them.Using the sleeve of my shirt to wipe my face, I get a glimpse outside and find a huge group of onlookers, but everyone is keeping their distance.What I still don’t see is Malice, whose number is the only one I have memorized.
“Carter’s number is in there,” Cece says, her face worryingly pale as she hangs.
“I need to get you down,” I whisper when I hear more glass crunching.“Where are you, Malice?”I mumble.“Wrap your good arm around me, Cec, then I’ll release you.”The pain in my stomach grows worse with every movement, every breath I try to take.At her nod, I move quickly.She bites her lip after yelping when her weight shifts and she drops next to me.
Sitting on the inside roof of the car, I’m unsure if it’s safe to get out.I don’t know who hit us or where Malice is, and staying here is better until help arrives.
Dialing Carter, he picks up on the first ring.“I told you not to call unless it’s an emergency, sweet girl.”Carter’s annoyed voice annoys me, and I let it show.
“Well, it’s a fucking emergency, Carter, so get off your ass and call my fucking dad.Track Cece’s phone for our location; we’re in big damn trouble.”I’m becoming dizzier as the time ticks on.
“Shit, Odette, I’m sorry.What’s going on?”His clipped tone is more like it.
“Malice was driving us home, and we were in an accident.We rolled, and I think he was thrown from the car.There’s someone out there, and they’re shooting.I don’t know what to do.”My voice cracks.Adrenaline is waning, and in its place is lethargy.I sag against the seat beside Cece, allowing the pain to be the only thing to keep me awake.
Carter curses, and I hear him speaking to someone in the background, but I can’t make out the words.Handing the phone over to Cece, I lean my head on her shoulder when a wild burst of pain explodes throughout my insides and sends lightning streaks of agony through every cell in my body.
“Odette?”I vaguely hear Cece call my name.When I feel a hand grip around my ankle, dragging me from the car, she screams louder, but I don’t have the will to fight.I don’t have the energy to even open my eyes and face my maker.
How I’m fucking alive, I’ll never understand.From the first flip after impact, I was tossed out the window and rolled down the street.Hitting my head on the curb, I’m sure I was out for a few minutes, and if the fact I can’t see straight is any indication, I have a damn concussion.
The sound of sirens and echoes of screams alert me to the fact that something worse is wrong than a simple accident.This was planned.
Matthew fucking Simon.
I’d bet my entire life on it, and I’m going to kill him.
Shaking the cobwebs from my head, I slowly begin to get to my feet when a hand on my shoulder halts my progress.“Hey, man, paramedics are on the way; you should lie down.”
“Can’t.She’s in the car.”I won’t let Odette go.Not for a damn thing will I leave her behind.
When I hear the sound of metal pinging off metal, I know I’ve run out of time.Matthew is taking potshots at the girls, and I’m betting he’s in the crowd somewhere with a silencer.
“We’ll help get her,” the man says, nodding to some friends, and I notice they’re in construction gear.They could do it, and typically, I wouldn’t give a shit about someone else’s life, but I know Odette would.
Shaking my head, I say, “Someone’s shooting at the car.You want to help, get everyone back.”The men share a look before nodding and moving away as I pull my gun out of the back of my pants.Not sure how I didn’t lose that.
Wobbly on my feet, my eyes scan through the crowd before moving to the car, where I see Odette dropping from her seat and slipping into the back a couple of moments later.It’s not until there’s movement and murmuring in the crowd that I make my way around the vehicle and glimpse Matthew on the other side of the street.