Page 25 of Protector
“Good.Did Daddy invite you and Della to graduation?”His eyes soften and line with unease.
“He did.I’ll do my best to get there, but I’m not sure if Della will or not.”I try to hide my disappointment as Malice pulls me into his arms.
“Is she okay?CJ hasn’t mentioned her in a while, and I haven’t seen her around?”Della has always been a delicate soul.She’s got a strength inside her, but she allows the world around her to overwhelm her at every opportunity.
“She’s doing some online classes, working her way to getting out a little more.CJ calls daily, and I think she’s the only reason my girl is even around anymore.”The sadness in his voice breaks my heart.The world would be darker without Della in it.
“I’d love to come see her soon.Tell her to call me, and I’ll bring her favorite donuts from that place on the pier.”Usually, Carter is a hard man to read, but with Della, everything is clear to see.
“I’ll do that.”His gaze flicks behind me, and he tenses.Malice must sense it because he turns quickly, looking for a threat.
Cece stands in the doorway to the dining room, her arms crossed protectively across her chest.“Carter, this is my friend Cece Brown.She’s new in town.”I get a closer look at Cece, and the pulse in her throat is beating rapidly as a flush rushes up her cheeks.
“Well, we better get back to it.It was nice seeing you, Carter.Uncle J, will you get Daddy to relinquish Miss Carmichael sometime before the sun sets, please.”Shaking his head, Jermaine shoots me a look that says it all.
Carmine Cavanaugh will do as he pleases on his own timetable.
Sighing, I head back to our mess and grab another book, throwing out question after question to Cece that she answers without a problem.
“What are the chances you want to take my exams for me?”I scowl when I forget the answer to another question that I know.Biology is not my favorite.
“Sorry, I need to keep my nose straight so I can attend college and not get kicked out before I even see a dorm room.”
“I know, I know.”Standing up, I stretch my back before dropping into a chair and leaning my head back against it.“I wouldn’t let you even if you offered.”
The door to my father’s office opens and closes quietly, and I turn to see Miss Carmichael taking hesitant steps towards us.Her hair is askew, and her clothes are messy.Looks like Daddy recognizes what I do when it comes to the young teacher.
“Everything all right?”I ask.Her flushed cheeks turn a deeper shade of red, and she nods while sitting across from me, in a chair this time.
They spend the next couple of hours grilling me like the world will end if I don’t get every question right.By the time I come up for air, we’ve gone through three platters of fruit, cheese, and other snacks, an entire pizza, and Becky is sitting, watching with an amused expression on her face.
“What?”I finally ask as I shove another grape in my mouth.
“Juliette would be proud.”Her smile is filled with approval and love.“She’s watching down on you right now, knowing you’re in good hands and that you will fulfill every wish she ever had for you.”
I can’t help the tears gathering in my eyes.It’s days like today and weeks like these last few that make me really miss my mom.My sisters, too.They’re off going to college and exploring the world while I’m here surrounded by men and at this damn school.
“Thanks, Becky.I know she’d be grateful that you’ve taken such good care of us.”She gives a smile and stands up, beginning to clear the dishes we’ve made a mess of.I know better than to try to help; she swats me away in the same way she’s just done to Cece.I know the sting of that slap.“Trust me, Cece, she’s got this.She has a very specific way of doing things, and you’ll only be in the way.”
After we clean up our belongings, Daddy has returned and waits on Miss Carmichael.They have a hushed argument that makes me want to ask a million questions, but I keep my mouth shut as he follows her outside after saying goodbye to us.
“Ready?”I look to Cece.We’ll be dropping her off before going back to Malice’s place.
“I’ll give her a ride,” Carter says from behind us, startling me.
“Are you sure?”I look between the two of them.My friend’s head is down, and she’s hugging her bag to her chest as he approaches, tugging on the strap until she relinquishes it.
“Yup, I’m sure Cece would like a filling of me before heading home for the night, too.”I wonder if he realizes how dirty that sounds.His hand finds its way to her back as he ushers her from the room and out the front door before I can ask if she’s okay with it.
“They’re fine.”Malice comes up beside me.
“Does he know she’s only sixteen?”
“Almost seventeen, and yes, he does.He knows all about Cece Brown.”Thenowis left unsaid.
Staring up at the man who has taken over my world, I ask what I dread the answer to.“She hasn’t had a good life, has she?”His eyes meet mine, and I see the answer he won’t verbalize.“Is her mother planning to sell her?”I don’t know why I ask.I think it’s because of some human trafficking ring I heard about that was busted up on the East Coast a few months back and the timing of them coming here.