Page 22 of Protector
“My mother.”The bitter sound echoes around us.“She’s chasing after a man, and I get to live out the punishment of her need to be validated by him.”
“He a good guy?”She shakes her head.“That’s too bad.”
“He’s cheated on her a dozen times, but she just doesn’t care.She’s always after some new man, but this one seems to really have his hooks into her because, ordinarily, she would just move on.”The more she talks, the more I can see Cece is just shy until she opens up.
“This the first time she’s chased after a guy?”Pulling out my sketchpad, I begin drawing the clouds in the sky.They’re so fluffy and bright today.
Her shoulders shrug.“First time we’ve come so far.There was a guy in California once, but they split, and then she wanted to be a showgirl.That didn’t really pan out, so she started chasing after men with money.Typically, I get left behind for a few weeks until she realizes he’s not worth it.”Sadness clouds her eyes now.“This is the first time she’s made a complete move.”
We sit in silence for a while after that.I hate that my dad is so sad all the time, but I can’t imagine him uprooting my life, my sisters’ lives, to chase after a woman who scorned him.As the bell rings again, we gather our things and walk into the school together.
Malice is at the door to greet me, holding it open for us.He raises a brow when he sees me with Cece.“Cece, this is…” I pause; is he my boyfriend?“Malice Sinclair.”He glares at me.
“Her man,” he clarifies.
“Right.Malice, this is Cece Brown.She’s kind of new in town.”They nod at one another, but that’s all.“Cece is coming over after school,” I announce.I get the feeling she needs to get out of her own head as much as I sometimes do.
“Might not be the best idea,” Malice says.
“Is too.”
“Little rabbit.”The growl that makes my body go haywire returns, but I’m not backing down.
“She’s coming over.”Kissing his cheek, I hook my arm through Cece’s and drag her inside.Leaving her at the science room, I head to art.Malice grumbles and growls his way behind me.
Once I’m seated in my chair for the afternoon class, he whispers in my ear, “You’ll pay for that.”
Flicking my hair over my shoulder, I open my book.“Promises, promises.”I know he gets the hint.My period came.He seemed excited to fuck me while I was bleeding, but maybe he’s more grossed out than he thought.
Biting my neck, he shocks me when he says, “Your cunt should be nice and healed by now.Tonight, I’m going to wreck it all over again.”He’s gone before I can even come up with a response.I did some looking up on sex and periods, and as it turns out, an orgasm can be more intense.
With Malice in control of my pleasure, I’m not sure how it’s possible, but I’m eager to find out.And if the throbbing between my legs is anything to go by, so is my body.
Cece Brown.
Daughter of Melinda Brown and an unknown father.
Born in Fresno, California.Moved all over the state as the woman who birthed her chased man after man until they landed in Las Vegas when Cece was ten.The mother filtered through a dozen guys in the years they were there until they came to New York a few months ago.
The one Cece’s mother is now chasing is a con man who lost interest in the woman when he realized she only lived a flashy lifestyle due to the men she serviced.
For all intents and purposes, Cece’s mother is a whore.Not even a high-class one.She services men for flashy items like cars, rent, and some spending money, and for the most, she doesn’t give a shit about her daughter.From what I can tell, the only reason she could get Cece into Atalanta Prep is because she allowed some of the board members to fuck her however they wanted.
Ordinarily, I would keep Odette as far away from a girl like this as possible, but the sins of the mother are not the sins of the daughter.I’ve spent the day watching Cece, and aside from when Odette has purposely sought the girl out, she keeps to herself.I don’t get the sense she’s about to hurt my girl, so I drive them both to Odette’s home, where our fathers are in a meeting with the O’Neill boss from Long Island.
“Carter O’Neill is at the house,” I warn Odette.The man has been known to have a wandering eye with the older Cavanaugh girls.He’s never stepped out of bounds and approached any of them, but there’s always been a wistful look on his face that he can’t mask when one of them is around.
I’m not even certain he’s attracted to any of them; I think it has more to do with their innocence and young age.The man is looking for something and has yet to find it.
“What’s going on?”I raise a brow at her, and she rolls her eyes.She knows I won’t say; I never have.And just because I’ve laid claim to her throne, doesn’t mean I’m about to involve her in things she doesn’t need to know about.“Fine,” she pouts.
“Keep pouting like that, and I’ll give you something to suck on.”My dick jumps at the idea of her lips wrapped around it.She’d never get more than a couple of inches in, but it would still be heaven for me.
“Malice,” she hisses, her gaze flicking back to Cece, who is hiding behind her hair.