Page 1 of Protector
Watching the clock three feet above the teacher's head as he stands at the front of the class talking about the importance of keeping history alive—good and bad—I wait for the bell to ring.I’ve already got one foot out the door, prepared to make a mad dash to my locker, then out the back exit by the gym and to the car.
Margo James has had a bad day…a really bad day…and the entire school knows about it, which means I’ll be the one to suffer because of it.She hates me.I don’t really understand why since we have no classes together, no extras together, and we don’t have any friends in common.Mostly because I haven’t made many friends despite spending the last three years at Atalanta Prep.
But one day, two years ago, her then-boyfriend, Drake Malloy, showed an interest in me, and when she confronted him about it, they broke up, and he tried asking me out—nearly every day for two months.If not for my sister Aura, I don’t think he’d have left me alone.Thankfully, she put him in his place, embarrassed him, and then I became the target of bullying.
I’ve kept that to myself, nonetheless, because my sisters are older now and don’t live at home, and my father is usually busy with work.When heishome, he always appears to be grieving my mother, who passed away years ago.He’s been unable to move on.
I loved her, too; we all did.She was one-of-a-kind, and when she died so violently, it was difficult to move forward with our lives.It was hard, her not being in the kitchen every night, making dinner and baking on the weekends, throwing colossal birthday parties, but my sisters and I have all found a way to start living again.Daddy hasn’t.
The bell rings, interrupting the teacher, and I rush out the door at the back of the classroom.Sprinting to my locker, I turn the corner faster than I should, and when I seeherstanding there with Hayley, my other tormentor, both with scowls on their faces, I know I’m too late.I should have just left.
“Oh, ugly duckling!”Margo sings, her voice shrill and filled with anticipation.Turning, I fully intend to run the other way but am stopped by one of her soccer friends, Steve Fox.
“Going somewhere,Oddette.”I hate the way he misspeaks my name.
“Home,” I squeak out, my body tensing.
Someone comes up behind me, and I know it’s Margo before she says in my ear, “I had a bad day, duckling.”Swallowing, I keep my mouth shut as she fists my hair.“And I really, truly need to see someone hurt.”
“No,” I gasp.They ignore me.
“Steve here is going to provide my entertainment, aren’t you, Steve?”His eyes widen slightly with surprise before a sick grin contorts his face.
“With fuckin’ pleasure.”Gripping my jaw in a meaty hand, his lips crash on mine.I try to fight him off, but he’s bigger, stronger, and I don’t stand a hope in hell of getting out of this.“Let’s go outside, away from prying eyes.”His suggestion has everyone laughing as they lead me out behind the school and across the soccer field below the bleachers, where Steve’s sidekick, David Hope, awaits.
Caught like a wild animal, I must wait for my chance to strike.I’m shoved around, my clothes are torn, and before I know it, I’m half naked, and Steve is on top of me while Margo holds my arms down.
“Don’t do this.”My face is covered in tears and dirt, and I can taste blood in my mouth from where Steve has bit my tongue.
“Don’t worry”—he licks up my chest as Hayley and David take pictures and videos—“it won’t hurt.”Margo cackles, and I slam my eyes shut as Steve frees himself from his pants.His rigid length is against my bare thigh, and as he moves closer to my sex, my fight renews, and I scramble, throwing my legs and hips in every which way I can until I finally hear him howl.
Shocking them all, I’m able to wrestle my way out of their grasp, but only for a second before I’m grabbed by the ankle and dragged to the ground.“You fucking bitch,” Steve seethes, his mouth on my ear as he proceeds to call me vile names before biting my neck so viciously that I scream, and I’m sure he’s torn the delicate flesh.It stings when he pulls away, and his weight is lifted off me.
I only have a second of reprieve before I feel the first booted blow in my back.Hellfire rains down on me as the group takes turns, kicking at my body until my vision fades to black.
As a final parting shot, I’m certain Steve and David piss on me, but I’m in too much agony to be sure.When darkness takes over, it’s a relief.
* * *
“I’m telling you, she doesn’t do this.Odette doesn’t just take off without calling!”I hear my father shouting at someone as I enter the house several hours late.
Blowing out a breath, I realize this is going to be bad when I see a dozen men standing in his office as I approach.Including the Sinclair brothers.
Uncle Jermaine’s sons are the most intimidating men I’ve ever known—especially Malice.Although, we don’t spend much time together because he’s older.He likely has no interest in a girl like me.
“Daddy?”All eyes turn my way as I attempt to hide behind one of the double doors leading into the private room.I don’t need everyone seeing me right now.“I’m sorry.”
Several outbursts ring out as the men begin cataloging the injuries I wasn’t able to hide.Embarrassment creeps up my chest when my eyes land on Malice.He looks positively furious.His eyes, typically sky blue, are nearly black with rage.
“Odette!”my father shouts, and the man he was obviously arguing with spins around to stare at me.A badge on his belt stifles my breath.“Where the hell have you been?What the fuck happened to you?”Normally, my father is the epitome of calm, cool, and collected.Tonight, it appears I’ve sent him over the edge of his very sharp cliff.
“Uhm...”He’s remained in the dark about the bullying at school, but it’s also never been this bad before—mostly just name-calling and a few shoves here and there.However, the last few weeks have gotten progressively worse, and it’s become harder and harder to hide the bruises.Now, it’s impossible.“I, uh…” Swallowing is tough, and all I want to do is go shower.“I’m sorry,” I repeat and quickly retreat.I can’t even find a flimsy excuse to give.
Running up to my room, I hear footsteps behind me, but I ignore whomever it is because all I want is an extremely hot and sanitizing shower.As soon as my door shuts, it opens and slams behind Malice Sinclair as he stands before me.