Page 29 of Slave Girl
When she came for a second time, she tightened around his cock. His growl filled the air as his dick pumped his release inside her. He held her close. They were both panting for breath as they finished.
She dropped her head to his shoulder and he stroked her back, taking his time.
“That was amazing,” she said.
He didn’t speak.
Slowly, she sensed his withdrawal. Part of her didn’t want to look at him for fear of what she’d see, but there was no point in denying it or waiting around for it to happen.
Nibbling her lip, even with him still inside her, she chanced a look at him, waiting.
“Elenore, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”
“You’re sending me back to him?” she asked.
“What? No, of course not. I’d never do anything like that. I’m not that big of a monster. You’re safe from my father. I won’t ever let him hurt you.”
“Then what is it?”
“I need to take you somewhere safe.”
“I’m safe wherever you are,” she said. “You know that.”
“No, what I know is that if you stay here, you’re going to get killed. I can’t do that to you. I’m going to take you to someone who can help you hide. When it’s safe, I’ll come and get you.”
“And if it’s never safe?”
“You’re going to live a long and happy life without me.”
“I don’t want that.”
“You’d do it for me though, right? You’d allow yourself to be happy for me.”
“I don’t like this.”
“I know. I don’t like it either but it’s something that needs to be done.” He cupped her cheek. “I want you to know I’ll do anything for you. Anything to keep you safe.”
“Just so long as it’s not keeping me.”
“Don’t make this any harder than it already is.”
She smiled but it didn’t quite reach her lips. She was already so miserable at the thought of leaving him. How was she going to be able to survive without seeing him every single day?
Chapter Nine
Raphael had taken one more night to himself, holding her in his arms even as she cried herself to sleep. He didn’t get angry with her. He accepted her pain because he felt it himself. Allowing her to leave, even though it was for her own good, it didn’t make him feel better. If anything, it only served to make him feel worse.
In the morning, there was no laughter over breakfast, just the impending trip. He’d woken her early, packed away all of the clothes he’d given her, along with the books she’d gotten.
She didn’t say a word.
The few times he looked at her, she’d been wiping away tears. He felt like a fucking monster. What other word could be given to him? He’d … hurt her.
He’d given her hope and now he was tearing it away.
In the cold of the morning, he snuck her down to his car. He didn’t force her into the trunk, he let her ride in the front seat. She was so unused to cars she didn’t even know how to strap herself in. He took over, sliding the strap across her body and putting it into the catch.
“Thank you,” she said.
He nodded but she wasn’t looking at him. It shouldn’t hurt this much. He’d never felt this way about anyone.
Pulling out of his parking space, he drove all the way to Timothy’s. The radio wasn’t on. No sound came from either of them.
Say something to her, dickhead.
He wanted to tell her he loved her, that he was going to fight to do everything he could to make it back to her.
No sound came out.
He had nothing to say.
He was … blank.
The tail his father had put on him had been left behind and as he came to Timothy’s place, he typed in the secure code and drove down to where his friend was already waiting.
He really didn’t want to have her here with Timothy. This was a last resort for the both of them. This was where he brought the men Timothy liked to torture.
After climbing out of the car, he went to the trunk as Elenore got out of the passenger side. She came toward the trunk and he held out the case. She took it from him without another word.
“Have you fallen out?” Timothy asked.
“I didn’t give her a choice. I told her I was bringing her here. She didn’t want to come. She’d rather stay with me.”
“You’re doing the right thing,” Timothy said. “If you want her to live.”
“You know I do. You better take care of her as if your life depended on it. I don’t want her to be afraid or scared. Let her go for walks. Your place is secure. My apartment didn’t offer me much of a chance to get her outside.”
“I’ll treat her right. You’ve got no problem with that.” Timothy slapped his shoulder. They walked over to where Elenore stood, waiting, staring down at the ground, looking pitiful.