Page 12 of Slave Girl
They left the room and Raphael offered her a smile.
He’d kissed her. She’d kissed him back. He couldn’t think about that now.
“Do you want to tell me why she’s never been to a park?” Timothy said.
“You know what my father is capable of. There are people born who are not registered. They are simply commodities. No different than cattle.” He stared at Timothy.
“And she was one of them.”
“Still is.”
“Elenore isn’t her real name.”
“What is her real name?”
“She doesn’t have one. My father doesn’t allow his slaves to have anything, not even a name. I don’t know her age or when she was born,” he said. He looked past Timothy’s shoulder. “She is no one.”
“I have contacts. I can help make her someone. Give her an identity. A place in this world.”
“Why would you help me?” he asked.
“I’m not as big a monster as people believe.”
“You torture people for fun.”
“Not innocent people. No one who doesn’t deserve it, Raphael. I know if you’ve taken your father’s property and you need my silence, you’re in danger if he ever finds out. You’re close to him. He’s always watching. I can help. I can take her away from here. Give her a good life.”
“You’re not fucking having her.”
“Not for me, you asshole. A life where she can look up to the sky without fear. True freedom. Consider it. The longer she is with you, the higher the risk of her getting caught and killed. I know the life you lead. I know the man you call father. This is no life for a woman, and certainly not a young one who wants nothing more than to go to a fucking park.” Timothy picked up his case. “I’ll be on my way. You know how to contact me if you change your mind. I expect you to help her rest and not fuck up her stitches.”
“Do I need to consider an additional payment?” he asked.
“No, I’m still enjoying my last one. Until she is healthy again, no wounds, one payment for it.” Timothy nodded his head and left.
“Will you send me away?” Elenore asked, coming out of her hiding spot from around the corner of the door.
“Do you want to leave?”
“I don’t want to get you into trouble.”
“It doesn’t really answer my question.”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I think so. I don’t want to get hurt. He’s right. The longer I’m with you, the more danger you’re in.”
“I can take care of myself.”
“Can you?”
“What about me?” she asked. “I can’t take care of myself. What if something happens to you and I don’t know about it?”
He stepped up to her, cupped her face, and kissed her lips. “Don’t even think about it.”
“I can’t not think about it.” She kissed him back, surprising him and clearly herself as she jerked back. “I’m sorry.”
“Did you want to kiss me?” he asked.
She nodded. “Yes, I wanted to kiss you.”
“Did you like the kiss at the park?”
“Me too. I enjoyed it a lot.”
She smiled. “Good. Thank you for taking me to the park.”
“Why did you jump off?”
“My hat, it came off. I was worried.”
“Next time, let me know and I’ll get it for you. Don’t jump off.”
“How do you slow down?” she asked.
“You ask me to stop pushing you, and you can use your feet to slow you down. Then I can stop you with my hands.”
“You’re strong.”
“When it comes to you, I will always be strong enough to catch you. You’ll never have to fear about that.”
“I wish it wasn’t like this,” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m nothing and you’re someone. You’re going to get married to someone your father picks. You’re going to have a life. If he finds out about me, you should just kill me, Raphael. Kill me and be done with it.”
He pulled her close. “That’s never going to happen.”
“But I’m causing you more trouble. The doctor must be a fortune.”
“He’s not.” The world was full of monsters. Timothy never wanted money as payment. Just someone to help his desire for the dirty and disgusting.
Kissing the top of her head, he couldn’t imagine hurting her. She’d spent her whole life being someone’s punching bag. The scars proved it.
When she was around him, he wanted her to feel safe, protected. Loved? Was he fooling himself?
Pulling away, he stared down into her pretty brown eyes. There was so much more he wanted to say.
“Everyone has a price,” she said. “Don’t they?”
“Is that what my father said?”
“Timothy, the doctor, he has a price and I pay him well.”
“Is there anything I can do to help pay him?” she asked.
“Not unless you know some sick fucks around?”
“Timothy doesn’t ask for money. Last time I checked, he was already loaded and didn’t need any additional funds. All he wants are men and women who are monsters.”
“You pay him in monsters?”