Page 12 of Boss - Killer of Kings
“Back off, Widow Maker.”
“What is this?”
The second she stepped away from her date, and he was shot dead, his body collapsing to the ground. Killian saluted with the gun, gave her a smirk, and then sped off down the road.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He didn’t have to die, even if he was a cheating bastard. She stepped over the body and headed back to the restaurant.
Her feet were killing her. She stormed through the tables, ignoring the staff asking where she was heading. Boss smiled and raised a glass of wine as she approached his table.
“Who do you think you are? You’ve just screwed this up for me.”
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, sweetheart.”
“Yeah, Killian was just acting out on his own, right?”
Boss shrugged. “Then you shouldn’t have brought your date to the same restaurant you knew I’d be at. I’d say you were asking for this to happen.”
She had no clue why she’d arranged it like this, but she couldn’t go back and undo it. Sometimes she couldn’t even understand her own actions. But she had major explaining to do tomorrow with Viko, and her stomach already felt queasy thinking about it.
“You’re an asshole,” she said.
He set down his glass and waved for the waitress. “Put this on my tab and call a cab for the young lady.”
Boss put a finger to his lips to silence the girl’s protests.
Graciella couldn’t understand why she felt so much satisfaction when Boss blew off his date. The girl wasn’t happy, ready to stomp and pout.
He got up and headed to the front of the restaurant by himself. Graciella followed after him. Once they were alone and out of earshot of everyone, she grabbed his sleeve. “What gives you the right?”
Boss stopped and faced her, not intimidated in the least. “I didn’t want to share you.”
“I’m not yours to claim.”
Chapter Four
I’m not yours to claim.
The words echoed through Boss’s mind as he started to moan. What the fuck had happened last night? One moment he’d been getting under Graciella’s skin, the next total darkness. He couldn’t even remember what he’d said afterward.
Lifting his arms up, he became aware of the clinking of metal. Glancing down, he groaned. What the fuck?
As he became more alert, he realized he was on a bed with chains around his wrists. “Fuck!”
Touching his body, he found that he still had his clothes on but his cell phone, guns, and knives were all gone.
He couldn’t recall much from the previous night. That was some strong shit.
“It is a rare occurrence indeed to conquer the great Boss of Killer of Kings.”
Boss turned to see Viko sitting in the corner of the room, looking calm and relaxed.
“Your handiwork, I suppose,” he said.
“I couldn’t resist the chance. I mean, you really did make it so easy.”
He glanced around the room. No sign of the Widow Maker. “Was I the mark?”
Viko clucked his tongue. “You know, I admire you. You are such an excellent marksman. You’re the boss of your entire empire, but you really shouldn’t allow a woman to distract you so easily.”
The television across the room came to life and he saw Graciella lying on a bed. The red dress she’d worn had been removed. She was completely naked and he saw men in the room, waiting.
“You leave her the fuck alone!” Boss couldn’t contain his rage.
He and Viko were a lot alike. They both had their own organizations to run, but Boss had morals, ethics, a little of them anyway. Viko always had his own agenda. Where Boss could walk out in the day, be seen on cameras, Viko had to keep to the shadows. He was a wanted man in most countries, but no one could find him. He lived a life of luxury, leaving death and decay in his wake.
“Where’s Killian?”
“Oh, don’t worry about him. I’m sure he’s rounding up your men as we speak.”
“What is this about?” he asked. “You wanted an audience with me, you ask for it, you don’t do it like this.”
“Boss, I do what I like when I like. Now, I’ve seen the way Graciella has made you behave these past few months. She has certainly gotten under your skin. I gave her a job, and I expected it done to the best of her abilities. She’s amazing at what she does. I don’t have personal experience with this, of course.”
“You know she was raped as a child. Hurt over and over again,” Boss said.
“I know her story. It’s why I never killed her. You see, Boss, what you need to understand is I’m the hero of her story. You want to know who helped her? I did. When it comes to her, she is somewhat … like a pet that I just can’t seem to want to kill.”
Boss glared at him. “Then why are those men with her?”