Page 30 of My Dark Romeo (Dark Prince Road1)
My shoe size? I couldn’t even remember my middle name with his cock pulsating between my butt cheeks.
Think. You know that one.
“Six point five.” My voice came out thick and raspy.
He released my throat at once, stepping back, completely unaffected by my body. By my readiness for him. “Six point five. Kindly deliver all items within two hours. Time is of the essence.”
He killed the call. I spun to face him, disappointed in myself for letting him strum my body like an instrument. Again. Hadn’t I learned anything from the debutante ball?
“Tonight, you will present yourself to my family as a proper, levelheaded lady.” He snatched the Macallan M by its neck, confiscating it. “If you succeed in fooling them into thinking you are, in fact, marriage material, I’ll reward you accordingly and relieve you of your pent-up sexual frustration.”
“You mean what you did just now was to blackmail me into good behavior so we can have sex tonight?”
The whiplash his last sentence gave me singed my cheeks. He really thought I’d be his little sex doll just because the tricks he used on my body provoked my curiosity.
He made a disapproving face. Lord, so stuck-up. “We’re not wedded quite yet, Miss Townsend. What I alluded to was oral favors.”
“Oral favors?” I scrunched my nose, noticing he spoke as if he’d just strolled out of the worn pages of a historical romance. That just so happened to be my least favorite genre. “And why do you talk like you fled the cast of Bridgerton?”
There was no point in telling him there’d be no oral-giving lessons, no cordial dinner, and no suitable fiancée tonight.
“Our lawyers must be running out of patience.” He sipped whisky straight from the bottle. “Frankly, so am I.”
Don’t worry, honey, I thought as I breezed past him, refusing to look distraught. After I’m done with you, you’ll be running, period.
Chapter Sixteen
Ollie vB: How is Delaware settling in?
Romeo Costa: Dallas.
Ollie vB: What is a show my grandmother was fond of?
Romeo Costa: We’re not playing Jeopardy, you mediocre man child. Her name is Dallas.
Zach Sun: That’s quite unfortunate for her.
Zach Sun: But not as unfortunate as marrying your ass.
Ollie vB: @ZachSun, agreed. That girl must’ve been in the Judenrat in a previous life to deserve this kind of karma.
Zach Sun: Mussolini’s right hand.
Ollie vB: *Mussolini’s jerk-off hand.
Romeo Costa left the chat.
Ollie vB added Romeo Costa to the chat.
Zach Sun: Is she still feeding you enough shit to cover the Northern Hemisphere?
Ollie vB: I’m never going to unsee the picture of Romeo turning blue when she wiggled her little ass on his lap. Boss bitch move.
Zach Sun: Or when Rom threw a hissy fit after she hit on the co-pilot. His self-control evaporated quicker than a thought in Ollie’s brain.
Romeo Costa: She did not hit on the co-pilot. She was just being difficult. Brat is her entire personality.
Ollie vB: Have you consummated your engagement yet?
Romeo Costa: Are you familiar with human customs? There is nothing to consummate until marriage.
Ollie vB: Yikes. That’s a definite no.
Romeo Costa: A gentleman doesn’t kiss and tell.
Ollie vB: Asshole, please.
Ollie vB: Drop the gentleman charade. I’ve met dildos more honorable than you.
Zach Sun: @OllievB, you’ve met dildos? Socially or intimately? Or both?
Romeo Costa: I cannot believe nearly two decades of education in America’s finest establishments bred me you two as best friends.
Ollie vB: I’ll have you know I’m a fucking delight and a top-notch friend.
Ollie vB: And I’m happy to prove it. Shall I break her in for you?
Romeo Costa: Joke about it one more time, and I’ll personally cut off your dick and feed it to you, bite by bite, until you choke on it.
Zach Sun: Hissy fit #2 duly recorded and entered into the meeting’s minutes.
Zach Sun: The woman turned you into an ape.
Ollie vB: …
Ollie vB: Is that a no?
Chapter Seventeen
The warning signs flashed bright and loud, daring me to heed them. As it happened, I was so content watching my bride’s golden blush, tantalizing neck, full breasts, and macabre beauty, I lowered my guard. She looked delectable, even in her stained nightgown. So painfully young and innocent and alive. Fondling her breasts felt like pouring ink all over freshly fallen snow. Like the perfect sin. Corrupting the uncorrupted.
The prenuptial agreement passed without a hitch. Shortbread scoured through every word, jotted her name on the dotted lines a dozen times, and listened, nodding whenever appropriate. It marked the first time she’d exhibited signs of rationality. That should’ve been my first warning.
Her feistiness returned in full swing when our lawyers departed and Cara arrived to drop off a trillion new outfits. Shortbread soaked up an eyeful of fifty-seven-year-old, wedding-band-sporting Cara. Her shoulders sagged. My bride had the poker face of an eager puppy.
“These clothes are an insult to eyes all over the world. It’s going to look like I’m playing dress up as a sixty-year-old.” Dallas flung cashmere dresses and hand-knitted cardigans on the hardwood while picking an outfit for dinner. My body temperature spiked. I positively despised messes, and everything about her was untidy.