Page 9 of Callum
"I do. Callum-" She sucked in a breath when he touched the soreness of her nipple. "I don't know you."
"What would you like to know?"
"This is crazy-"
"I have a sister."
Her eyes flew to his face. "There is nothing about that in the papers."
"My kid sister, ten years my junior." He continued to toy with the nipple as if fascinated by the way it peaked. "Different fathers.
Mine was an asshole who left me and my mother when I was just eight." his face was expressionless as his eyes met hers. John - my stepfather, came into our lives when I was going on nine, and he played the father role even though I was resistant.
He never gave up, and then they had Julie." His hand lifted to cup her face. "Julie is -" A smile touched his lips, softening it. "She is sweet, and I was fiercely protective from the minute I looked at her. "She is fresh out of college and interning at Hope & Grace."
"She is a doctor."
He nodded. "We have different last names, and I prefer to keep her out of the limelight. Having me as a brother is not an easy task."
"I am sure she is very proud of you."
"She adores me." He grinned at that. "As I do her." His smile faded. "She is determined to make her way. I sent her to college and med school and set her up in an apartment. But she does not want to be harassed by the press."
"Your parents died-"
"In a car wreck five years ago. I want you, Lynn, more than I have ever wanted another woman."
"It's too soon." She tried pushing him away, but he would not budge. "I am not interested in a relationship. My career-"
"Will not keep you warm at night." He moved in so that he was crowding her. "I can."
"You are a complication; I cannot afford it now." Her defenses were taking a beating. The man was lethal. He had a toughness that thrilled her and made her feel as if she was being lit from the inside by flaming arrows.
"What does that mean?"
"It means you are high profile-"
"So are you." He had thrown one powerful leg over hers, effectively trapping her.
"Not as much as you are."
"Or the next date should be there. I have an interest in a few hotels and restaurants. A gift shop or two. I am thinking of diamonds." His fingers circled her throat, and she felt as if she was being entirely swept off her feet and definitely out of her league.
"Diamonds?" She murmured, swallowing the lump inside her throat.
"Square cut and sapphires." His kiss was raw and hungry and had her melting into a puddle.
"Callum-" She whispered when he ended the kiss. Her breath hissed out as he parted her thighs and palmed her sex.
"Yes?" His voice had thickened.
"I cannot think."
"So, don't." Before she could say anything else, he was on top of her and inside her. "Feel me." He whispered against her mouth.