Page 64 of Callum
"They became more mean and vicious. Read me one of the last ones."
Lynn handed him the most recent one. "'I thought about giving you another chance, but seeing you at the theater after that wonderful performance, seeing you with him, kissing him in that blatantly sexual manner, shows that you are nothing but a whore-'" Callum's mouth tightened, and he had to will the anger away. "I think that's more than enough."
"I agree," Wyatt responded. "I suppose it's no use trying to get prints. The sicko would be careful not to leave prints. How did you receive them, Lynn?"
"Jack has a mailbox where the local post office would put the mail."
"Another dead end."
"You have to do something," Callum said tautly. "And the sooner we find that bastard, the better."
"I am with you there. When are you getting back?"
"In another few days."
"I will come to you whenever you get back. In the meantime, I will go to the theater and see what I can find. From his sick ramblings, it is clear that he is a regular there."
"We will be in touch." Callum hung up and put the letters away. "Now I am thrilled that I suggested this time away." he searched her face closely. "I am beginning to think that's why you agreed to it so quickly."
"Something like that."
"I am not going to let him hurt you, darling. I swear to you that will not happen."
"I believe you." She took his hand in hers. "Now that it is out in the open, I am not going to give another thought to those-" She nodded towards the hated bundle. "I want those put away, and I would like us to enjoy our time here. The fire is blazing, and I am with you, the man I love. I just want to enjoy us."
"It sounds like a perfect plan." Taking her hand, he pulled her up and into his arms. "We should see what Mrs. Ingels left for us in the kitchen."
He was determined to take her mind off the letters. Starting, he gave her a tour of the lovely farmhouse with five bedrooms, four baths, and a huge and delightful kitchen that overlooked snow-covered trees and a stable.
"There are horses here." They had dinner at the small dining table beneath the wide bay window.
"Yes. Want to go for a ride?" He lifted his glass to his lips and eyed her over the rim.
"It's probably ten degrees below zero. I don't understand why we could not have gone to somewhere tropical, say, for instance, Hawaii, Jamaica, Costa Rica-"
"Say the word. I have properties in all of those places."
Shaking her head, she stared at him with a smile. "You amaze me."
"In a good way?"
"Absolutely a good way. You are determined to sweep me off my feet, right?"
"I have not done that already?" He asked her teasingly.
"Oh, you have." She dug into the very delicious beef stew. "Why do I feel this is somewhat of a business trip?"
"You caught me." He grinned at her, thankful her mind was off that mess with the letters. "It's a recent acquisition, and this is my first time here. I thought it would be nice to look at it together."
"It's certainly lovely." She murmured, looking out the window again at the snow dripping off the leaves and the ice forming on the branches. "What are you planning on doing with it?"
"Get it up and running. It belonged to an old family who was facing bankruptcy."
"You got it for a steal."
"You could say that."