Page 60 of Callum
He had her pictures, one that he had cut from the magazine, the playbills announcing her performances, and one that she had signed when he had gotten the chance to go backstage to meet her. He had touched her hand and found that she had the softest skin. It had taken him a week to wash her touch off his skin.
She had replaced the spot in his heart for the blessed virgin, and he held her in the highest esteem and admiration until he read that she was hooked up with that - that man—that multi-billionaire monster who was considered to be a corporate raider powered by greed.
How could she be so pure, beautiful, and utterly talented and fall for his lies? He had raged inside his small space, cut up her pictures in a fit of anger, and refused to see her performance for a week. But then it came to him. It was not her; that man had swayed her with his looks and money. It had settled him some.
He was still angry with her for falling for someone like him, but she was only human; even someone like her was allowed to fall from grace. He would give her another chance, another attempt to redeem herself. With that in mind, he started piecing the papers together, the ones he had ripped apart in his anger.
After he was through, he knelt beside his narrow bed and, folding his hands, started praying.
Lynn had never been so damn nervous in her life. She had been doing this for almost six years, was used to the sweats before the performance, and had a way in which she would deal with the nerves.
Jack had told her long ago that she should picture everyone in the audience in their underwear, but she had chosen to do something different. She would show them seated around a campfire eating s'mores and exchanging stories, and somehow, it had worked.
But tonight, it was different. She was just back from a two-week hiatus, and the play was a new one where she was going to be required to sing, something she had not done since she started. And the place was packed.
Callum and Jason would be at the front, looking at her. She was in love with a man and told him she was. She was also practically living with him, and the papers were excited about their budding romance.
She was facing a lot of pressure and could feel the nerves coming on.
"These arrived for you." In his usual dramatic style, Jack swept into her dressing room and put the box of stunning yellow and white roses on the table.
"There is a note." With no thought of impropriety, he opened it and read. 'I have no doubt you will be wonderful as usual. I love you.' "Isn't that sweet?" He sighed, plucking a stalk from the bunch and sniffing it. "This also came for you." He handed her a smaller box.
"Why aren't you going to open it?"
Her sarcasm was lost on him, of course, as he grinned and shook his head.
Rolling her eyes, she opened the box to reveal some expensive chocolates and a note.
"I have decided to forgive you, Lynn, but I am praying that you come to your senses and dump that man.' I love you." Putting the cover back on, she shoved it towards him. "Please get rid of it."
"These are very expensive chocolates. The guy or girl might be a whack job, but they have taste and are your favorite."
"Precisely. Take them away."
"As you wish." He rose and was at the door when it was pushed open.
"Am I allowed to see the star before the performance?"
"Of course you are." Jack gave him a gracious smile before leaving and closing the door behind him.
"Jack should not have spoken for me." Turning away from the mirror, her eyes glinted as she took in the fabulous frame decked in khaki dress pants and a red sweater. "You will make me even more nervous than I already am."
"You are going to do splendidly as usual." He drew her up and into his arms. "Is it acceptable for a guy to kiss his girl before she goes on stage?"
"Well, since you are already here." She leaned into him, her arms coming around his neck. The kiss was slow and soft, an erotic touch of his lips to hers, but it was enough. Enough to make her lean into him, her body pressing against his solid muscular frame as she enjoyed the kiss.
"Christ!" He whispered, ending the kiss reluctantly. His hands framed her face, his expression dazed. "I arranged to have us go to Lenora's after the show, but I don't think it's an excellent idea."
"We should cancel."
"My sentiments exactly." They both turned at the discreet knock on the door.
"You are on in five, Lynn," Isabel told her with a grin, sliding an appreciative glance at Callum.
"I have to."