Page 4 of Callum
“The man is extremely powerful and ruthless with that power.”
“It’s just dinner.”
“He might want more.”
“And I am more than capable of saying no.”
“Just watch yourself.”
“I will.”
“When I agreed to have dinner, I had this thing inside my head that it would be a trendy restaurant in the heart of uptown. Not this.”
She turned in a tight circle to take in the scene. He had called her right after she had left the restaurant with her brother and issued the invitation, which she had accepted. And he had quickly followed up by asking if she was free the next day.
From then on, things progressed rapidly, with him telling her he would pick her up from the theater. Callum told her to use her imagination when she asked what she should wear. “Something lovely.”
She had debated for almost half an hour and decided on the slinky black and white romper with the diagonal cut of the shoulder. She had paired it with ankle-length boots and had left her thick dark brown hair loose in curls tumbling down her back.
She had seen him at parties before but never to talk to, and had to admit that Callum Hammond was dreamy. His coffee brown hair was immaculately styled and framed a handsome, if hard, face.
His nose was prominent, his chin decidedly determined. But it was his eyes that caught the attention. A cross between green and gold, they had a piercing quality that made one feel as if you were being stripped down to the soul.
And he was tall, indeed, he was topping six feet. She was five -six and wearing heels, and she only came to his shoulders.
“I had the idea that our first time should be somewhere private. And I figured you would love the view.”
“It’s stunning.” They were on top of his building; the balcony or patio, for want of a better term, was large and had been enclosed because of the weather. The view from the transparent glass was breathtaking, and as she stood there taking it in, she felt the appreciation in every pore.
He could not have chosen a better spot. A table with a snowy white tablecloth stood in the center, and a uniformed waiter with a white napkin over his arm stood discreetly waiting for the order to be served them.
“Shall we?” Shaking his head as the waiter rushed forward, he pulled out the chair and waited for her to sit before taking his seat.
He seduced her with the food. They had quail eggs with basil oil, followed by butternut squash. The main course, the Kobe beef steak, was smothered in some sort of butter and garlic, and she had her eyes closed in delight.
“You know how to feed a lady.” She told him.
“I wanted to make an impression.” His voice was deep and cultured, his movements precise as he cut into his steak. “Happy that you are.”
“What is this, Callum?”
Leaning back in the chair, he subtly asked the waiter to leave. “We are having dinner.”
Lifting his glass to his lips, he took a sip, his amazing eyes boring into hers and sending awareness through her body. She had felt it the first time he approached her right after her show, and it was increasing.
“Tell me about the play.” He said instead.
She thought about pursuing the topic but decided to let it go.
“You know what it’s about. You have been to several performances.”
“And I am impressed by the talent.” His eyes wandered over her face with a boldness that had her heart racing. “The portrayal of a woman who has lost her two children is very poignant and believable. You are very talented.”
“Thank you.” Reaching for the wine glass, she realized that her hand was trembling.