Page 31 of Callum
"That's bullshit. Was it for services rendered?"
A light went on behind his eyes. "What services would that be?"
"This. Sex. Damn you, Callum; what if it comes out that you invested heavily in the play, one that I happen to have a starring role in. What will people think?"
" I am a businessman who knows a sure shot when one is right before him. I already told you that I did my research, which is a sound business investment. Drop it."
"I will not. I am not going to."
"Most people would be saying thanks, but not you." His eyes darkened.
"You had an ulterior motive." She felt like an ungrateful bitch, but could not stop. It did not help that she was also starting to be drawn in by him, deeply drawn in. He was Callum Hammond, and she was a plus-sized actress just on the rise. What if he realizes further down the road that he could do better? What then?
"Where are you going?" She demanded when he put her away and slid off the bed.
"To get a drink. Want one?"
"I am not finished."
"I am. I don't see the need to argue and spoil a wonderful night just because you cannot accept a gift handed to you."
She watched as he strode with a sloping grace over to the recessed button near the fireplace and touched it. Sitting up against the pillows, she drew the sheets up, watching as he poured the amber liquor into the glass. His body was tough and muscled without an ounce of extra fat.
His shoulders were broad, and his skin tanned all over. His stomach was flat, with a line of hair arrowing down to his rather impressive sex, and she could feel her mouth watering. "What will it be, Lynn?" His deep voice cut through her dazed admiration and desire.
"Are we going to spend the night arguing or enjoying each other?"
"Why can't we do both?"
He smiled at that and took a sip of his drink.
"I want to make love to you again; it is a constant condition for me. I have resources and can pretty much do what I damn well please. It pleases me to invest in your play as I see you as a talented actress. Does that clear it up for you?"
"Not quite." She admitted with a sigh. "I am not used to this." She swept a hand around the elegantly decorated room. "I am not used to you and how you are railroading me. You are sweeping me off my feet, and I am getting whiplash.
I keep asking myself what he is going to do next. The first time, you zipped me off to Paris to do shopping, and you kept me here for days, making love to me. You invited me to dinner with some associates and bought me more clothes.
You kissed me right before them, and I-" She dragged a hand through her tangled hair. "I keep asking myself when this will end. When will you meet someone else and decide we are not suited?"
Finishing the drink, he put away the glass and returned to join her on the bed. Turning her to face him, he tucked a hand under her chin, his gaze direct. "I have never done this with anyone before. I am not the impulsive type.
I like women, and I am not against giving them gifts. But I have never felt the need to do what I am doing with you before. Naturally, It confounds me, but I love how it makes me feel. I love the way you make me feel."
He passed his thumb over her lush bottom lip and felt the stirring of his cock. "I want you in my life, Lynn, and the sooner you realize it, the better it will be. I do not want to fight with you about nonsense involving money.
I have more than enough of it. I want to cherish the time we spend together without arguments coming between us. Is that understood?"
She nodded, her eyes luminous. "We are going to argue now and then."
"I suppose we will."
"You are a very domineering man, and I am pretty fiery."
He smiled at that. "That has been proven."
"Okay, I am one fighting."