Page 26 of Callum
He wanted a relationship and thought they were already in one. He was arrogant and cocky- She closed her eyes at that. The man had a gift and had been handily bestowed with a penis - one that filled her to bursting, and she knew how to use it.
She shook her head to get rid of the erotic images of being sprawled under Callum Hammond to concentrate on the woman with tears spiking her lashes.
"I am sorry. You were saying?"
"I am the one who should be sorry." Linda sniffed and plucked another handful of tissues from the box to dab at her cheeks. "I am supposed to be a professional-"
"You are also a woman. One who had been dumped by her boyfriend of six months. You are entitled to the waterworks."
"It's just that I thought we were fine. Only to find out that he was diddling with my best friend. How could he?"
"They both betrayed your trust, which is incredibly hard to deal with. Especially when it comes to your best friend. Women are supposed to have an unwritten code, and she stepped over that line."
"Yes." Linda scrubbed at her cheeks, her dark brown eyes fierce. "She did something nasty, and I will never forgive her."
"What goes around comes around. And I want you to picture the day when your ex is going to dump her ass for someone else."
Linda's eyes brightened at that. "You think that will happen?"
"Honey, I am sure of it. Why don't you wash your face, and let's get back to work? Jack will be back in a few minutes, and we would not want him to think we are slacking off."
"Thank you. I feel so much better." Linda told her gratefully.
She was about to go to her vanity when her phone rang. She could try and convince herself that the zing inside her heart was nothing, but she knew better.
"I am busy."
"Are you?" The deep voice had lust clutching at the base of her stomach and her knees going weak enough for her to sink on the stool. "Is that any way to greet your man?"
The clutch widened. "Using labels, are we?"
"Precisely. How are you?"
"Exhausted. You used me up good and proper and now I am unable to do my job. I will have to stay away from you for a few days."
"Try it." He offered pleasantly. "There is a thing at the Renaissance later at eight, and I would like you to be there. It's black tie, some associates from out of town. I can order an ensemble and send it to your place if you prefer. But I would love it if we could leave from mine."
"I can't."
There was a pause, and she waited for the explosion. "You do not have a show until the weekend."
"I have rehearsal, and I have to go grocery shopping-"
"You do not need groceries as I have a very efficient housekeeper at my disposal, and you will not be spending a great deal of time at your place. I am trying to be patient and careful here, Lynn, but I need you tonight. That's not too much to ask."
"And if I am not there? What? You are going to leave me?"
"I will send a car to pick you up at eight. The outfit will be delivered in an hour. I will see you later."
She listened to the dial tone and cursed him fluently under her breath. The man was so accustomed to getting his way that he did not tolerate hearing the word no. Well, he was going to have to get used to it. With a sigh, she sat there staring at her image in the mirror.
The discreet knock on the doorjamb had her jolting. Turning her head, she did not disguise the frown as Jack waltzed in, a smile wreathing his face.
"We need to talk."
"I don't have time for a conversation."