Page 17 of His to Please
“I hate like hell I’m putting the brakes on ripping your clothes off.” My dick is none too pleased with me, and the feeling is entirely mutual. Tully’s facial expression says it all, too.When we pull back, she’s gripping my hair tightly in her fingers, trying to bring me closer. “Sunshine.” Her eyes close, and my woman is so lost in the way I make her feel that nothing is going to stop her from grinding her sweet little pussy on my cock.
“Tallulah.” Her ponytail is the perfect tool to wrap my hand around, and I do just that, hissing out a breath when she keeps at her movements.
“Don’t stop.” Looks like I’m going to have to resort to a different tactic, one that won’t get her off by rubbing herself on me. Damn, maybe I should rethink this idea. Taking Tully to bed and fucking her senseless might be better. Then she’ll be nice and fuck drunk when she realizes what I’ve done. Except once I’m inside of her, there isn’t a chance in hell we’ll be leaving the bed until we’re both too fucking worn out. “No, no, no.” I manage to peel her away from me, having to use the back of the couch to do it. She’s trying her hardest to keep us as close as possible, and it’s no doubt making me re-question myself on why I’m stopping this.
“Tallulah Alexandria Jennings, if you don’t stop trying to climb me like a damn tree, you’re not going to see what’s right in front of you.” She keeps her legs locked around my waist, and I grab her forearms to bring her hands to my lips. I kiss her knuckles, watching as her chest rises and falls. Her eyes are hooded with desire, her cheeks are flush, and her lips are wet from ourkiss.
“What is so important that you stopped?” In a blink of a second, she turns from soft and sweet to angry and annoyed. Tully’s gaze hasn’t once moved away from me. Damn, I like that I’ve got her sole attention. Except for in this instance, I’d really love for her to take a glance around and see the changes I’ve made.
“This.” I hold my hands out. “Look, sunshine.” I watch as she moves her eyes in different directions, sweeping over the room, not settling on one place.
“How?” She hops off the back of the couch, fingers coasting over the blanket that’s folded where she was only just sitting. I don’t respond right away. My attention is only on her as she moves from one place to the next. On the wall is the vintage artwork she once had hanging up in the cottage, frames of her and Birdie are on the table, another from her graduation with her family. She’s yet to see the half of it. We all worked together to make our stuff intermingle.
“Three people. Birdie, Ms. Ellie, and my mom. No more going back and forth, me leaving in the morning to come home and get ready or vice versa. I was trying to wait for you to make the next move, keeping the ball in your court, but for weeks it’s been the same. So I took matters into my own hands, and the women pulled through and put things where they thought you’d like them. What none of us knew what to do with is in the spare room along with the furniture. Youcan use whatever, wherever, but I think we can both agree my bed is bigger than yours. We’re keeping it that way. Whatever else, change what you want. This place is ours.”
“I’m, well… speechless.” That’s a first. One of the many things I love about Tallulah is her tenacity. She’ll go after whatever she wants and won’t stop until she gets it.
“I’m not mad about that. I know you’ve got an independent streak a mile long, but gotta tell you, sunshine, I’m not sure how much longer you’ll be able to handle your workload at Herbert’s without burning out, falling asleep at the wheel on the way home, or worse. At least this way, there’s no making extra stops. Everything is here, together. Where we’re supposed to be, together, forever.” I’m not sure how my speech would move Tully to tears, except it has, she’s not even bothering to wipe them away, and she’s too damn far away for me to do the work for her.
“Dean, you’ve done so much for me. And, well, I’ve barely done anything for you. It’s not fair. Your love, your devotion, giving me a home, and not in the sense of the material place either. I’ve done none of those things. I was going to today, but you beat me to it.” Fuck this shit. I’m to her in a few strides. My hands cup her cheeks, hers going to my wrists and holding on. Each tear that slides down her soft skin is swept away by my thumbs.
“Tully.” She shakes her head.
“I’m not through yet. You’ve had your say. It’s my turn now.” My lips tilt up in a smirk. Leave it to Tallulah to put me in my place. I nod, and she keeps on with her little tirade, one that isn’t necessary. This woman does more for me than she cares to know. That’s alright. I’ll be hers no matter fucking what.
“I did a bad thing today, like a really bad thing. I probably made a name for myself all over town.” She blows out a puff of air. Surely, it can’t be that bad. There isn’t a bone in her body that’s got an ounce of meanness in it. “Dr. Herbert pissed me off. He tried to write me up without hearing both sides. I told him to kindly kick rocks and pound sand in different words. I’ve still got to file a complaint, too, but that will have to happen tomorrow. I marched my little ass out of his office, typed out my resignation, cleared out my smaller-than-a-cubicle desk space, and handed off my letter to Maureen. Which probably wasn’t the nicest thing to do to the sweet-as-pie receptionist. Still, I turned in my keys and badge.” Tallulah still doesn’t slow down. It seems she’s having what Mom would call aword vomitsession. A lesson all of us boys got growing up, where you keep your mouth shut, nod when it’s appropriate, and let her have her moment. “Maureen told me to give her a call whenever. She’d make sure to give a statement to the board. So, I got in my car, ready to call you or mom to vent, except a chocolate croissant sounded really good.My vehicle knows the way toWhisked Awaywithout much guidance. Maeve loaded me up on goodies, and you’ll never guess what?” She waits a beat.
“What?” I reply, realizing it’s my time to interject.
“JW has a massive sweet tooth for more than the half a dozen cinnamon rolls he orders from Mae every week.” My eyebrows shoot up.
“Interesting.” I’ve never so much as seen him eat one of Mom’s cinnamon rolls she has out for breakfast.
“I know, so save that tidbit of information for when you need it.” Tully winks and keeps going, “Well, this conversation veered off. I promise I’m almost done. Well, maybe.”
“I’ve got all the time in the world for you, sunshine.” I dip my knees so we’re on the same level, eye to eye. Tallulah needs to see, feel, and hear my words.
“Okay.” I’m awarded a smile. Gone are the trembling lips, watery eyes, and sad emotion. Yet I don’t move the palms of my hands from her cheeks. “So, the plan was to come here, drop off the baked goods,”—Tully looks at the boxes on the counter, licks her lips, and I know my woman; her own sweet tooth is taking over—“shower, change, then head to my place to pack all of my stuff and move in. You see, I too am tired of the back and forth. I’m sure you’re aware this hasn’t happen because I quit my job. I’ve got money putaway from working before taking this job. I’ll help in whatever way necessary to earn my keep.” Finally, she takes a break from talking, and damn if she isn’t breathing heavily because of it.
“You done?” I ask.
“Yeah, I mean maybe. Can we circle back later in case I left something out?” I’m pretty sure it’d be impossible to leave anything out after her conversation.
“Good, I’m fucking ecstatic we’re on the same page with you living here. I’m even happier knowing you’re not working for that cocksucker. As far as you earning your keep, we’ll discuss that later. Right now, I’m taking you to bed and fucking celebrating.” My mouth goes back to hers. My hands slide down the slope of her body, picking her up by her hips, and she wraps her arms and legs around my waist. There’s only one way I want to finish this day, and that’s inside my woman, all fucking night long.
“Off,”Dean says as he drops me to the bed, causing me to land flat on my back. I sit up, ahead of the game; he just didn’t realize it yet. While he was carrying me, I already slipped my shoes off and used the leverage I had to do the same with my socks.
“Yes, sir.” I’m on my knees, hands crossing over my front as I grab the hem of my scrub top and pull it over my head. There’s an ache inside of me when I lose sight of Dean even for the barest of seconds.
“Tallulah,” he says in his dominating voice. My eyes land on the way his thick fingers undo the buttons of his pants. God, there is something so deliciously hot when a man wears button-fly jeans and he’s completely bare beneath. “Keep going.” We’re not evenly matched. He’s shucking off his last and only item, meanwhile I haveseveral more to go. I drop my hip, fingers fumbling at the drawstring in order to finish my little striptease. “Struggling there?” His patience is shot, I can tell by the tone of his voice plus the way his fingers are tracing the lines through my black bottoms. This scrub set is on the thinner side, and he’s taking full advantage.
“Finally,” I breathe out, ripping the strings apart while wiggling my body to get them off my hips and down my legs. Dean finishes the task for me, the waded-up material is thrown over his shoulder, and then he’s spreading my legs wide open.
“Goddamn.” He wedges his shoulders between my thighs, nipping the inside of both. “Your scent, your taste. I had so many plans for tonight. You watching me jack my cock with this lace wrapped around my dick. The need to watch you play with yourself and only stopping when we we’re both ready to combust. Next time.” I’m not sure if he is talking to me or my pussy. What I do know is he has an obsession with my panties. The amount he’s stolen from our forays in the barn or any place we could get alone time together had my panty drawer rather depleted.