Page 15 of His to Please

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Page 15 of His to Please

“Nope, not the chocolate croissants at least. The rest is fair game. They don’t know how to savor food, especially desserts. I swear the lot of them stuff food down their mouth without even tasting it.”

“I’ll bet. Okay, here are your croissants. In this box there are donuts, this one has some scones and extras, and then this one is for JW.” My eyebrows shoot up, wondering how Maeve knows what he likes when he barely says a few sentences when everyone is around.

“Of course.” I bite my tongue from questioning her.

“I know, I know. You don’t have to say a thing.” She throws her hands up in the air.

“Me? I didn’t say a word.” It’s a good thing I paused my audiobook when I walked in, or I’d have missed this juicy tidbit.

“Tully, your face says it all. JW is in here once a week, loads up on a half dozen of cinnamon rolls at a time, and then repeats the cycle every week like clockwork. Usually around closing time, except I’ll be closed today. This way, he won’t miss out on his sweets.” This is interesting, very interesting.

“I’ll be sure to bring them to him.” I pull out my cash, looking down to make sure I have enough to cover the cost plus a fat tip.Whisked Awayis a small business. Running a credit card cuts down on her profit, and she’s too amazing of a baker for that to happen.

“Thank you.” Mae looks down at the counter, taking my money that I’m sliding toward her.

“You’re welcome. Keep the change.”

“No way, that’s too much.” I’m not sure how much the total is but figured it would cover my croissants and then some.

“It’s not enough, plus I know JW’s weakness. Do you know the type of leverage I have now?” I wink and pick up the boxes. I was going to sit down to eat, but that won’t be happening today. Maeve is closing, plus I’ve got to pull my big girl panties up and make a phone call back home.



“Hey, Fletch.”True to Mom’s word, she had Dad pick me up from my house when he was ready to head to Murray. He was in the driver’s seat, so I rode shotgun. I’d have offered to drive, except I know my dad like the back of my hand. He’s not moving from his spot. He’d have complained about me thinking he was too old to drive and then make a comment about my mother not thinking so. I’m not sure which one is worse—he or Mom. At this point, I think they’re both cuckoo for cocoa puffs with their need of public displays of affection as well as their penchant of walking around naked when they think no one is coming over. I sure wish they’d use the lock. I’m not one who wants to see his parents going at it like rabbits first thing in the morning.

“Hey, you got a minute?” he says on the other end of the line.

“Yep, I’m going to put you on speaker so Dad can hear what you have to say.” Of course, Tallulah’s little diva is standing up behind us in the cab of the truck, making all kinds of noises. She waits until this particular moment to reach her head between the center console and lets out a loud moo. This cow is going to fit right in, and from what Birdie said about Tully, we’ll more than likely have a few more. Which is why I did a perimeter check of the fence around my house before I hopped in the truck. Dad shook his head and bit his tongue, but the smirk he had plastered on his face said it all.

“Well, shit, didn’t realize I’d be getting a second shower today,” dad lets out, grabbing for the napkins in the cup holder. We stopped after picking up little miss. Dad needed coffee, a staple for every rancher, and Mom must have conveniently forgotten to fill up his thermos. She probably thinks it’s time for him to cut back on the black liquid caffeine. The man barely drinks anything else besides coffee, and Mom lets it be known loud and clear daily that he’s not getting any younger.

“I see you’ve got the fourth member of this fiasco loaded and ready to head back to the ranch full of misfits.” Fletch laughs at his joke. This guy thinks he’s funny. The sad part about it is, he’s telling the truth. I’m being suckered, and while Idon’t mind since I’m all about rescuing an animal who’s being abused in some way, shape, or form, still, I don’t want to be that schmuck they call, and I come running. It’ll only create a name for myself and for the ranch, neither of which we need, and my wallet damn sure doesn’t either.

“Yep, the diva is making her presence known, that’s for sure.” Everyone in the truck quiets down, Dad and the unnamed heifer. I’ve learned my lesson with Honey Belle. Tallulah will take one look at the mini-Shetland and have her named within moments.

“Alright, here’s the good news. We have a lock on the two individuals. They weren’t too smart, giving real names and a home address. My buddy who works for the county is going to run their names through the database, see what he can find and go from there.” Fletch takes a deep breath before finishing what he called for. “Now, depending on what they do or don’t find, we may need to bring Tallulah in.She’s the residing vet, took care of them, and she also knows more individuals at Herbert’s office than I do. Sucks that I’m here for the time being and unable to hop on a flight, but I also don’t have shit for jurisdiction there either.

“No, she’s not getting involved. She may be the vet, but it’s not like she’s not backed by a clinic. Herbert’s is where she’s working. You can use them instead of putting her damn name anywhere on a document,” I state.

“I hear ya, man. I’m also going to tell you this. I’ve got a feeling this scenario is going to get worse before it gets better. Trouble seems to find you all when you’re not looking for it, when it comes to the Johnson Brothers.” Fletcher Wild is one of six brothers himself, and I’m sure with him being a police officer down in Georgia, he’s had to do his fair share of helping them out, too.

“Shit, fuck, damn it all to hell,” I grumble beneath my breath, looking out the window and the miles of endless road we’re traveling. What I wouldn’t give to go back to that point in time when I decided to purchase Honey Belle, Buck, and Raven and kick those two cocksuckers in their dicks. Would it prevent them from moving to the next town to do it again? Probably not, but it’d sure as fuck make me feel a bit better.

“Jesus, not liking that at all,” Dad chimes into the conversation. He’s not the only one. The weight of a lead bullet sits heavy in my stomach. There are too many variables, too many what-ifs, and I know Tully enough. She’ll have no problem inserting herself into a situation even though it could potentially hurt her. Tallulah Jennings would do anything to save an animal, no matter the color, size, shape, or breed. She’d throw herself in front of a moving vehicle if it meant saving one.

“There’s gotta be another option.”

“Depends how fast you want to move things forward. Tallulah could step up the process, but Iget it. You have to do what’s best for everyone involved,” Fletch says. Damn it all to hell.

“Yeah, I know my woman. Should she find out I kept this from her, it’d be my balls she would be after. Is there a way to maybe see what your guy can find, then bring her in to help?” Maybe this way, it’ll work out better. Dad nods in agreement.

“Will do. In the meantime, I’d suggest not running to Murray when Brian calls again. It’ll suck for the animals, but this type of shit needs to go through animal control from here on out.” Shit, that may be harder than I’d like to process. Dad grunts again. It’s his damn fault we’re all ready to bring in the next stray. He did the same thing growing up. A farmer would close down shop, he’d offer them a good deal, and we’d have more animals than we could handle at times.

“Thanks, Fletch, I appreciate everything you’re doing.”

“Not a problem. Talk soon.” He hangs up. I stay silent, mulling everything over Fletch suggested. I’m still not sold on asking Tallulah for help. I’d much rather leave her out of it. Though, with the animals in my name from the first time at the auction, a few questions would tie her back to me with no problem.

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