Page 1 of His to Please
Three Weeks Earlier
“You have to be quiet,Tully. Anyone could walk in on us at any time.” Tallulah, my future sister-in-law’s best friend, is in the tack room with me. She’s bent at the waist, pants at her ankles, and I’m working my cock in and out of her pussy. “Fuck, I can feel how much you like that idea.” I grunt with each thrust of my hips. Her cunt tightens, and she only gets wetter. Damn this condom for dulling the sensation. I’d be taking her raw if she hadn’t made it clear there will be no little Deans or Tallulahs running around the ranch. Apparently, she isn’t on birth control, and I’m fine with that, for now. Until she gets it through her stubborn-ass head that shedoesn’t have to do it all on her own. At least in the way of working with large animals in the veterinarian field. She could have paved her own way without having to deal with Herbert and his simple-minded bullshit.
“Dean.” She says my name in a soft throaty purr. My hands slide beneath her body, moving upwards until they cup her tits. She pushes back into me and tosses her head back, hair cascading over her naked back. She likes the idea of getting caught, and it’s only making her wetter. I grunt into her ear with each thrust of my hips. Tallulah is bound and determined to keep us fucking like rabbits.
“Fuck, Tully.” I almost stop moving. Her pussy clenching on my dick has me ready to come, but I’ll be damned if I’m ready for that to happen yet. We’re only getting started.
“Don’t you dare.” She whimpers, worried I’m going to stop. When what I’m actually doing is pulling her body up until her back is to my front, and while I might have slowed my pace, I damn sure didn’t stop.
“Not a fucking chance, Tully, not fucking ever.” I need to be deeper, feel every ripple, every pulse, and the way she gives herself over to her pleasure. It’s an incredible sight to see and to know I’m the one who she falls apart for, fuck, that’s something else entirely. “Mouth, sunshine. I need your mouth.” I know Tallulah enough that with a few more skillful movements, she’ll becoming in a matter of moments. The only way to keep her quiet is to swallow her moans. One day soon, very fucking soon, we won’t have to hide what we’re doing. And it’s not because of my brothers or her best friend. It’s all on Tully. She won’t accept help and won’t listen to reason. And I get it, partially. Doesn’t mean I have to fucking like it. Not one single bit. Birdie, Birdie’s mom, my mom, and even Lane tried to talk to her. She refuses to take handouts, at least right now.
I also know a bit of information about old man Herbert. How he can’t seem to keep a full staff and how his son left town and didn’t look back. Herbert’s son doesn’t even come back for holidays. There’s other shit going down with Herbert Veterinarian Clinic, things I’m not telling Tallulah in case the rumors I heard weren’t true. It’s a smalltown and news travels fast but word on the street is he’s selling prescription drugs on the side to people that aren’t patients.
“Dean, more honey, please.” She sighs as my mouth slants over hers. My tongue presses in, seeking entrance, and she doesn’t resist. My hand moves away from her breasts, a fucking travesty, but what’s to come will only make her impending orgasm that much stronger. While I dominate her mouth and body, my hand slides to her neck, fingers wrapping around her throat. My thumb presses on her pulse point, and with my mouth on hers, I keep thrusting my cock in and out ofher tight heat until she falls apart. She pulls me right along with her. I have a hard time keeping my mouth sealed to hers. The way she has me wrapped up in knots, only getting small doses of her, it’s not fucking enough. It won’t ever be, and this damn keeping things quiet has to stop.
“Dean.” Her eyes are closed as she nuzzles into the side of my neck. I can feel each inhale and exhale as she tries to catch her breath. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one affected.
“Tallulah.” I hold her body to mine tightly as we come down from our combined orgasms. Sucks I won’t be able to stay inside her wet depths much longer. I’ve got to deal with the condom, clean her up, and then we both need to get dressed. We’ve probably been in here long enough. She came to look after our prized bull and got more than she expected, I’m sure. Lately, he’s been having issues mounting the heifers. We called Herbert’s since Tallulah made it clear we were to do things by the books. I get that she has an end game, start a rapport with the ranchers before going out on her own. It’s a plan, probably smarter than us giving her the leg up we can, but watching her dead on her feet every day, working weekends, and doing the grunt work only because she’s new in town is fucking bullshit.
“Have you seen Tully?” A muffled voice states.
“Fuck,” I whisper. Her body arches away from me, causing me to lose her heat. I’m leftstanding with my jeans around my ankles, my cock in the wind, while Tallulah is scrambling to pick up her clothes.
“I’m screwed. Oh my God. I’m so screwed. My job is going to be taken from me, and I’m going to be known as the town harlot.” She is attempting to shove her pants on without her lace thong, jumping up and down. I’m trying not to laugh. Who the fuck uses the wordharlotin this day and age?
“Sunshine, breathe.” I pull my jeans up. I’ll have to deal with the condom in a minute. “They’ve already left. You’ve got a few minutes to pull yourself together, and not one fucking person in this town would think that of you.” I’d make damn sure of it. I bend down to grab the remainder of her clothes, mainly her shirt and bra, pocketing her ripped thong. She’s already got her jeans up over her hips. No use in her getting undressed to redress.
“You don’t know that. I’m an outsider. It’s bad enough the employees at the clinic hate me. Them finding out would only make it worse,” she admits. My body locks up as irritation thrums in my blood stream.
“They giving you hell besides the usual?” Tully puts on her bra, then her shirt. I’ve lost the view of her naked body, and it’s a damn shame.
“It’s nothing. Forget I mentioned it,” she says as she steps into her boots, smooths down hershirt, then takes her hair out of a lopsided ponytail before redoing it.
“Tully, all you gotta say is the word.” When Tallulah goes to walk around me, I stop her.
“I’m fine, Dean, promise. I’ve got to get back to work. I’ll see you later.” She is anything but. Every man worth his grain of salt knows that when a woman says she’s fine, she is anything but fine. She goes to the tips of her toes and presses her lips to mine, shutting me up. Tallulah may think she’s got to do everything on her own, but she’s about to learn that I’m not letting my woman go at it alone.
Present Day
“Concealer.You’re going to need a lot of it today,” I say into the mirror. The woman looking back at me is tired. No, she’s not tired, she’s exhausted. I’m the low man on the totem pole when it comes to working for Herbert Veterinary Clinic. Add in the fact Arrowleaf is a small town, I’m the new girl in town, and, well, some of the old-time ranchers do not like fresh meat. I’ve smiled through it all, kept as much banter up as I could, and still, I’ve had to prove to them I can do my job. One of the farms I was at yesterday nearly had me crying uncle. The farmer, Mr. Boyd didn’t believe me when I said one of his heifers wasn’t pregnant and never could become pregnant either. He took his hat off, beat it along the length of his thigh, went on a tangent, andthen proceeded to call the clinic. There was nothing I could do to convince him otherwise. Luckily, another farmer was around besides the owners I asked a few questions, one being if she was a twin. When the answer was yes, I asked if a bull was the other part of the twin. Two and two equals four. The lightbulb went off in the ranch hand’s head—a freemartin cow. Twins must have run in the bloodline, and the rancher had the luck of the draw. This being one of them, the heifer would never be able to reproduce. She was improperly developed in the reproductive system, which sucked. I hated delivering the news. I also hated how he treated me. The owner of the ranch called the clinic, asked for someone else to come out, and I was stuck staying there. That’s how I met the Boyd’s. What a rotten luck kind of day I had. Talk about awkward. All I could do was clean up, document, and wait. Thankfully, the other vet didn’t take forever. He nodded his head with a grimace at me. David Mathers has a few more years of experience under his belt. I watched as he did the same thing I did while I worried my bottom lip with my teeth that I may have made a mistake, then breathed a sigh of relief when he delivered the same news.
Yesterday was a doozy for sure , and I’m hoping today will be much better. Though I highly doubt it. Did I mention I’m fresh blood, which also means I’m on call for the middle-of-the-night calls? You guessed it. I no sooner got into bed last night than my phone was going off. Luckily, this patient and owner were much easier to deal with. Colic in a horse is always scary, but we caught it in time, and a couple of hours later, I was back home. Still, interrupted sleep isn’t fun, especially when you have to be back at the clinic at eight o’clock in the morning.
I finish putting on my concealer under my eyes before adding foundation to my cheeks, forehead, and nose. I go through the motions of blending it all together before adding a setting powder. A few swipes of mascara on my eyelashes, and I call it a day. I’ve still got to make a cup of coffee, scarf down some yogurt and strawberries, grab a protein bar, and shove my feet into shoes. The easiest part of my day is getting dressed. My choices are black or blue scrubs, never mixed. Today I’m choosing black, allowing myself to have a moment of pity. Okay, fine, a day of pity.
“One more day, Tallulah Alexandria Jennings. You can do this. You can get through this day, come home, take a hot-as-hell bath, open a bottle of wine, and maybe persuade Dean to come over.” I look at myself again. My makeup does absolutely nothing to hide the fact that I am well and truly run ragged. The dark circles are still noticeable, my skin is screaming for a drink that isn’t doused in caffeine, you know, the water variety, and I’m noticing myclothes are fitting looser even in scrubs. I really need to work on making sure I don’t miss any more meals or living on protein bars. My pep talk will have to do. It’s time to get this show on the road.
I haphazardly throw my makeup in the drawer, wash my hands, and then head out of the bathroom, making sure the light is off. Ellie does not allow me to pay nearly enough rent on the greenhouse, a fact we’ve talked about multiple times, but she won’t listen to me. So, I make sure everything is off—television, lights, not so much as leaving the faucet running. I’m on a well, so I do what I can to conserve anything, electricity-wise. Now that the house is silent and only lit up by the rising sun, I head to the kitchen, nabbing my phone off the sofa table.
“Fuck.” I look down at my phone and find three missed calls from my mom as well as two texts.