Page 3 of Lion’s Forbidden Secrets
I’m okay with that though because I just had to keep telling myself that they would regret it in the long run. I’m not sure where they are at now but I’m sure they are living with regret because they would end up getting karma. Karma is a real bitch, that much I can say, and I would continue to live by it as well because I know what makes me happy. If I didn’t know the right thing to do, of course, I would have probably followed in their footsteps but I would never do that. I don’t have any intention of losing myself just because of somebody I care about.
That would definitely include Malcolm because I know too many girls who would give up their dreams for a man. I’m not like that at all. Of course, I do have the life that I want to live, a life that I would hope would make me into a better person. I know we don’t always get what we wish for but I’ll keep reminding myself that every day that I’m the bigger person. I will live by that until the day that I die.
“Hello, Malcolm.” I greet him as I open the door to my apartment, trying to not blush as he hands me a bouquet of flowers, “I wasn’t expecting you yet. Did you get eager to come and see me?”
His eyes glimmer mischievously as he looks down at me, a sparkle in his eyes that has me craving things I shouldn’t even be thinking about right now, “yes, I was. I want to run something by you and hear your thoughts on it…”
I’m confused a bit because I don’t know what he is talking about, “go on?”
He draws in a deep breath, looking more nervous now, “Hear me out before you say anything or say no… I want to introduce you to everyone as my lioness. Obviously, we won’t go all the way or anything, but I want to let everyone know that my intention is there. Is this okay with you? I don’t want to go against your wishes or anything. I want to do what makes you the most comfortable?”
I’m staring at him like he had grown two heads because I almost couldn’t believe it. I had no idea that he would have any intention of doing something like that, making me nervous at this point. I know the Clan will freak out the minute that he says he plans to make me his Queen because there are many girls out there who have been dying for the opportunity. I know I was a girl who longed to be his mate but I didn’t think it would actually happen.
I guess one way or another, I’m going to be living with this.
I nervously bite down on my bottom lip, attracting his attention at this point. I don’t know what to think or do because I have never been in this situation before. I know it would probably be a smarter idea to tell him no but I don’t want to do that either. I would love to be his Queen and never let him go. I don’t want to share him with any piece of shit who wanted to keep us apart.
I can fight for him; I know how to. I won’t let someone scare me off…
I just hope that it doesn’t come down to it.
Chapter Five
I was a little surprised that Eleanor had so eagerly agreed to let me introduce her to everyone as the future Queen. I have no idea how it’s going to go because I know how the people in the Clan are. There are going to be many who are pissed because they just thought that I was supposed to only date them or something. I can’t even tell how many times I had to just continuously reject somebody because they couldn’t take no for an answer. I’d like to just call them entitled because that’s pretty much how they acted the entire time.
“How do I look?” She asks me worriedly as she smoothes out her beautiful green dress that shows off her curves, “This isn’t too much, is it?”
I push aside the indecent thoughts that have wandered into my mind that she doesn’t need to hear, “You look absolutely beautiful.”
Her cheeks redden a little bit, enough to make me want to go over there and pinch them, she looks so freaking cute. I had never been so enamored with someone before until her. We havebeen hanging out a lot more, getting to know each other. I’m sure there are people talking about us behind our backs but I’m not going to listen to that so much. I don’t have time for it, that much has become clear. I’ve been continuously telling Eleanor that even if people are against us, I can’t really bring myself to care at this point. The only way they are going to affect me is if they had already gotten a hold of her and pissed her off.
I just want it to be clear between us that we’re not going to let them win in this situation. If we let them win, then we are pretty much no better than they are. I know I’m not going to put up with it at all because I would rather shoot my foot off than ever listen to the demands of people trying to control my life. I have never lived that way and I won’t live that way because Eleanor has become my everything by this point. If I told her that I didn’t want someone talking to me or anything, I think she would have understood that as well but I’ll never force her to not be friends with people.
Just so long as they respect boundaries.
I slip my hand into hers, bringing her hand up to press a soft, gentle kiss against it. I watch her eyes widen in shock when she looks at me, as if she hadn’t been expecting it. Honestly, I hadn’t expected to do it either but I’m not going to hold myself back at this point. I love the physical contact between us, I love touching her and knowing that she is mine. People don’t have to agree with the choices that I’m making right now but I’m not going to hold myself back at all.
If I do, it’s only because I don’t want to embarrass her or something.
I don’t want her to be uncomfortable and I know how it can be when you have a bunch of people staring at you like you have just grown two heads. I hated every second of that, let me tell you, because I have continuously made it clear to everyone that I don’t tolerate disrespect. If I hear anything like that, they willend up having to face my wrath and I’m not the person to piss off. They would quickly regret it as well because they learned that I wouldn’t put up with that shit. If I did, it would just mean that I’m allowing them to do whatever they want and I won’t.
There have been a few men who have tried to take over my position but failed because I was able to win against them. I’ve only ever had one close call and even then, it wasn’t anything too crazy. I had to keep reminding myself that I needed to be cautious of those around me but I didn’t want to think like that about Eleanor. I trust her to be by my side and I do know that everyone is going to think that way sooner or later. But they will not look down on her.
“Let’s go and do this.” I tell her softly, seeing how she peeks up at me, “I won’t let you go.”
She nods slowly before she follows me down the long hallway, her hand still in mine. In the pack house, there is a bit of a balcony where I always make announcements when I need the entire Clan to hear. I let go of her hand when we reached the doors, motioning for her to stay there until I called her up. I draw in a deep breath before I step outside, seeing the hundreds of lion-shifters eagerly awaiting my announcement.
As of right now, everyone is waiting for me to make my decision on who I want to become Queen. I can see the disappointment on some of the girls’ faces because they learned then and there that they were not who I had picked. I don’t know why some of them would think I’d be remotely interested when we have done nothing together but that’s beside the point. It just irks me a little bit to be dealing with these people sometimes because they can’t just take no for an answer. I hate being pressured into something that I’m not comfortable with and I will say that to anybody and everybody who would ask me. Everything that I have done has been for myself and it willcontinue to be for myself to the day that I die. The day that it ends… Well, it’s really like to see what would happen next.
“Hello, my Clansmen.” I speak up, my voice radiating throughout the clearing as I have all of their attention, “Thank you for coming when I called for you. I have been looking forward to this moment for a very long time now… Now you see, a lot of you have been pushing me to find a Queen. If anyone knows me well enough, they know that I don’t like being PUSHED into a situation that I’m not so comfortable with. If I don’t mess with you, then I don’t. it’s a simple fact.”
I see people glancing at one another, probably wondering who I am talking about.
“In other news, I have found my Queen.” I clarify, watching how they all erupt into cheers, “And no, she’s probably not who you were expecting or who you would want, but she is my soulmate and I would choose her every time. So, I expect you to give her the same respect that you give me. Let me introduce to you your future Queen, Eleanor Corbin.”
Cheers erupted through the clearing but not everyone seemed happy. Eleanor walks closer and I wrap my arm around her waist, letting everybody see that I am serious. I see the frustration on some of their faces, making me want to laugh because there is nothing that I despise more than a person who wants to be mad at a situation that was MY choice. Eleanor is who I would pick time and time again. I have no regrets, nor will I regret it. If someone has something to say to me, then they can say it to my face. I’m tired of running away from the person that I care the most about because honestly, she’s the one who makes me happy.