Page 3 of Climb
I pace back and forth like a caged animal, my heavy boots thudding against the smooth concrete floor of the hospital room. The only sound in the room is the sharp click of my boots with each step. My pacing becomes more frantic, each stomp of my combat boots echoing. It's time to find her and bring Natalia home.
I have to do something about this, right fucking now.
The urgency of finding Natalia and bringing her home presses upon me like a heavy weight. My fists clench and unclench, the knuckles cracking with each movement. As I plan what I need to do, my gaze moves restlessly between the windows, the door, and the few of Vinny's possessions surrounding him on the small tables at each corner of his hospital room.
Vinny's texts seem to glimmer on my phone screen, and the reality of this information starts to feel like a heaviness along my shoulders.
I need to move on this now.
"I'll get one of the men to drop off a phone."
Vinny's head slowly dips down, and then raises up again, a small movement, but one filled with understanding and agreement. The rustle of the sheets and the slight metallic creak of the hospital bed frame are the only sounds besides our breathing. Vinny's nod is subtle, but the sound of his breath hitching slightly conveys his emotions more clearly than words ever could.
"I'll loop you in as I find out more," I add.
I can taste the bitterness in my mouth as I grit my teeth in frustration, the sourness of regret, worry, and anger lingering on my tongue.
With renewed determination, I leave the hospital, followed closely by all but two of my men. My jaw is set and my grip tight on my gun as I make my way to the exit. Vinny is not safe in here. My two guys that I'm leaving behind will make sure no one fucks with him. Hell, I'm sure Vinny would give them one hell of a fight, but I can't lose anyone else.
I've lost enough.
Back at our headquarters, I gather my men in the main room. Their eyes are filled with a mix of determination and concern as they await my instructions.
"We're heading out to Colorado," I announce, keeping my tone firm and focused. "They could still be keeping Natalia there. It's a cold lead, but that's all we have. We need to find her."
My men nod in understanding, their faces hardening with resolve.
"Grab our weapons, supplies, and any equipment we might need," I continue. "We're going to be on the road for a while, so make sure we're prepared for anything."
As my men disperse to gather their gear, I head to my own quarters. My mind is racing with possibilities and scenarios. Is this lead going to be enough? Could she realistically be there still? And most importantly, how do we get her back?
I quickly change into more appropriate clothing for the trip - a black tank top, a dark grey zip-up blazer, and cargo pants. I grab my bulletproof vest and put it on under the blazer before strapping on my gun holster, and I take the thick rolls of cash from the lockbox under my bed, in case we need to coax answers from anyone.
A few of my men come in with bags of radios, weapons and supplies.
"We're ready to go," Rico says.
I take a deep breath before leading them out of our headquarters to our waiting vehicles. We pile into four SUVs - two in each vehicle - and hit the road.
The drive is long and tense as we make our way towards Colorado. Our radios are silent as we each focus on the task at hand. We pass through towns and cities, each mile bringing us closer to the lead Vinny gave me. The sun sets as we pass through a sparsely populated landscape of wooded areas and farmland, casting its last rays on the terrain that surrounds us. Shadows lengthen and the moon rises, illuminating the path before us like an emergency beacon.
We pull off the main highway onto a deserted dirt road that leads to the only motel around, its bright red sign lit up against the silhouette of the mountains.
"Let's camp here for the night," I say over the radio. "We'll start searching in the morning."
My men nod in agreement as Rico heads to the motel office to check us in and get us keys. A couple of them raid the vending machine for fuel and we disperse to our respective rooms. But none of us can relax or enjoy the down time. My mind is consumed with thoughts of Natalia and what she must be going through.
I have to get some answers.
In Colorado.
That's how far away she's been taken.
None of the tips or ideas I had would've led there. But I should've known our consiglieri or his son would have something to do with it.
I never trusted those two shady, greedy fuckers.