Page 88 of Fierce Obsession
Eventually, we break apart. My breathing is ragged, my heart pounding. Usually when it beats this frantically, I get worried.
But right now, all I want ismore.
More Knox. More kissing. More, more, more.
“Your dad’s insurance sucks,” he says, the breath on his exhale hitting my lips. “That’s why it costs so much. They’re paying a fortune.”
I blink at him. “How do you know that?”
“I did some research.” He shifts slowly back into his own seat. “And, um, I have a solution.”
“Marry me.”
There’s this moment where everything stops. Like, my heart, my thoughts, the world. Everything jars to a halt, and all I can do is replay Knox’s last two words.
A two-word sentence.
Or was it a question?
“Um, Knox?—”
“I know, it’s crazy and stupid and it’s not really how I wanted to ask you.” He seems so sincere. He grabs my hands, squeezing both tightly. “If we’re married, you can get on my family’s plan. I already checked. And my parents have the top-of-the-line shit, like the best that money can buy. Because—well, I guess because they have money, right? I’m sorry if that’s insensitive?—”
He winces.
“You want to marry me… so I can use your insurance?”
“Well, yeah.” He looks away. His face gets redder. “Yeah.”
My gut is flipping. I just can’t tell if it’s a good or bad thing. “I’m sixteen,” I point out. “I just… I mean, you’re seventeen. We’d need parental permission, and…”
How do I tell him that I always thought I’d get married for love? Like the white dress, fairy-tale wedding, all that stuff? Good vibes only. Cake tasting and picking out flowers and colors, selecting my bridesmaids. Asking Beth to be my maid of honor, obviously.
“I would do anything for you,” he manages. “And this is just the tip of the iceberg, Sunny. You and I could be endgame, but?—”
But I have to survive to the end to be endgame.
I close my eyes. “It’s a nice thought. I just don’t know if I can do that.”
He releases my hands. “Promise me you’ll think about it?”
“I will.” I crack my eyes open.
He’s shifted back fully into driving position. It only gives me a moment to get righted before we’re backing out of the parking spot and heading home.
To be talked about… never again.
Because marrying Knox Whiteshaw is irrational. Crazy. Insane, even.
All things I am not.