Page 136 of Fierce Obsession
“I think Joel’s been taking bribes for a long time. There are rumors that he’s been gambling?—”
I nod shortly.
“Right.” His blue eyes bore into mine. “So where’s his loyalty, Aurora?”
“Come on, you have to believe in him more than that?—”
“Do I?” Camden shakes his head. “No. Why’d you go to Joel in the middle of the night anyway?”
“Knox wanted to ship me back home. This would’ve been my only chance to get some answers.”
“You’re becoming a problem to Luke. I have no doubt we’ve been making waves. Just by involving you with blackmail instead of bribery is a risk to him. Jacob has stayed off the radar, kept his head down, but you, Knox… hell, even me. Joel could be considered a loose end, but I think Abernathy considers him all tied up. In debt and other things.”
He might have a point. But I’m more concerned with where we are.
“Why are we on the fifteenth floor?”
He lifts one shoulder. “Come on, I’ll show you.”
We go halfway down the hall, and he stops in front of one of the doors. He knocks twice and steps back, slipping his hands in his pockets. Like this, he looks rather unassuming. Boy-next-door vibes. Ironic, since Knoxwasmy boy next door.
The door cracks open after a long wait, and a girl’s eye stares out at us.
“Grace. Can we come in?”
Her focus switches to me. “Who’s she?”
“My teammate’s girl. We just need to lie low…”
“And you come here?”
“We were downstairs, to be fair.” Camden eyes her. “Are you going to let us in or what?”
She sighs. The door closes, and I glance at Camden. Then it opens fully, the chain swinging from the doorframe. She wears a Titans sweatshirt and dark-blue shorts. Bare feet.
It’s winter, and she’s wearing shorts—just like Knox.
Are people in this town insane?
She’s familiar. Makeup-less, though, it takes me a minute to place her as Camden’s sister. From the charity gala.
“Grace, this is Aurora McGovern. Aurora, Grace Church.”
“We met at the gala,” I offer. “I was with Knox Whiteshaw…”
“Right!” She smiles and steps back to allow us in. “I remember meeting you.”
“Oh, good.” Camden rubs the back of his neck, then seems to mentally say,fuck it. He walks farther in, toeing off his shoes and turning in a small circle. “You’ve cleaned up since I last saw the place.”
“Right,” Grace scoffs. “You last saw it when I moved in. Eight months ago.”
“I feel like I’m intruding.” I frown. “It’s so early?—”
“No, she’s fine,” Camden says. “She’s a night owl. Were you even sleeping yet, Gracie?”