Page 117 of Fierce Obsession
She blanches. “Don’t leave me standing out here—Aurora!”
“Beth. You’re fine. You’re standing. No one’s going to cross-check you.” I raise my eyebrow. “Were you my friend? In high school?”
“What is this about? Of course we were friends.”
I laugh and shake my head, gliding away from her. “Yeah, right. Up until you developed a crush on Knox.”
“Come on, Beth.” I stop sharply in front of her, spraying her legs with snow. “Tell the truth.”
She stares at me, and her face seems to morph from confused to angry in an instant. “You want the truth? I was crushing on Knox long before he showed you any interest.”
It’s a good thing I don’t have my stick.
“So when the opportunity arose to drive a wedge between us, you took it.”
She lifts her chin. “I only told him the truth, Aurora. You were getting close to Miles. Maybe too close, for someone who wasmarried.”
I gape at her, trying to comprehend it. “And then what? What was your plan, to go to Crown Point and make him fall in love with you?”
She waves her hand. “Please.”
“I’m serious.”
“It was one mistake, Aurora. One I’ve paid for heavily. I stuck by you?—”
“That was your payment?” I shriek. “Staying friends with me?”
My anger swells. And fuck it, I’m not going to hold back. She took years away from Knox and me. I’m not saying we’d still be together, but we could’ve worked things out while he was in school. I had been accepted to Crown Point University. I was prepared to follow him—always following. Instead, I got as far away from him as I could, just as he ordered.
He was so devastated. I can see his face, the way he believed the betrayal. And everything leading up to the moment I fucking proved himwrongweighs on me in this instance.
I just react, and I punch Beth in the face.
She goes down like a ton of bricks. Her skates slip out from under her, her limbs going everywhere. I inch closer, staring down at her and wondering if I could kick her in the stomach with skates on and somehow not slice her up.
Because I don’t want to kill her, I just want to hurt her more.
“Sunny!” Knox runs out onto the ice. Slipping, more like, in his street shoes. He barrels into me, grabbing my arms. We barely manage to not go down, too. “What are you doing?”
Beth groans, rolling onto her side and spitting blood onto the ice. “She just attacked me out of nowhere!”
“You bitch?—”
Knox grips my shoulders harder, shaking me a little. “Sunny, stop.”
I look up at him. Funny how our height difference is now. Me in skates, him in street shoes. He’s still taller than me. Barely. It brings our faces closer, though.
“Get her off the ice,” he calls behind him.
I glance up and spot Miles and Steele coming to retrieve my friend.
Former friend.