Page 23 of Property of Chaos Keepers MC
When it came to April, we didn’t play fucking games. Her safety was our number one priority. And to get to the bottom of this, we had to play along. Just for a little while, even if we didn’t like it.
Secretly, I was hoping one of April’s weird dreams would come through so we could nip this shit in the bud quickly. Her bad dreams tended to come true or already be true. None of us had believed her at first until it happened three fucking times. Third time was the charm for us.
The first time, she dreamed Capone would end up in an accident on his bike—that something would run him off the road. We’d soothed her, told her he was the safest driver out of all of us, and he would be okay. But sure enough, two weeks later, a drunk driver careened into his lane, and in order to save himself, Capone flew off the side of the road and into a fucking stream.
The second time, she dreamed River went through some fucked up shit as a kid and woke up crying, wanting to see him and make sure he was okay. When Capone brought him into her room, he confirmed what she feared—that he’d been abused for liking boys, too.
The third time, the one that finally cemented our belief in her gift—or curse, depending on the day someone asked her about it—she dreamed that the clubhouse was going to be raided. And sure enough, two days later, ATF agents came out to the fucking clubhouse and raided our shit, dumping everything all over the floor and destroying the place, only to come up with nothing.
We hadn’t been worried about being raided, but the warning had been nice, nonetheless. There was nothing here for them to find. We weren’t stupid enough to keep anything near our woman that could incriminate her. She was too damn gorgeous and sweet for prison. Protecting her also meant protecting her from us and the illegal shit we surrounded ourselves with.
The door eased open, and I looked up to see Hawke and Capone slip into the room. Smokey was still sitting in the hall against thewall across from my room. Smokey met my eyes for a moment before Hawke shut the door behind him, blocking Smokey from my view.
“She still asleep?” Hawke whispered.
I nodded as he came around to the side of the bed she was laying on. April had fallen back asleep not long after I got up her up here, thankfully. She didn’t need the stress of what we were about to be dealing with.
Hawke ran his hand over her hair before leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her hairline.
“Malorie was trying to discreetly ask questions about her,” Capone whispered, making sure his deep voice didn’t carry beyond these walls.
I gritted my teeth, swallowing back the blood-boiling protectiveness that surged inside of me. “You think someone is after April?”
Standing at the foot of the bed, Capone shrugged. “I don’t know anything right now, but whatever this woman is up to, she’s hiding it well.”
Hawke carded his fingers through my purple hair, and a shiver rolled down my spine when he gripped the strands and tugged my head back. “Nothing is going to happen to her,” he quietly assured me. “She has seven men protecting her. Seven men ready to die for her. She’s safe.”
I blew out a harsh breath and looked back at my president—my man who bent over backward to keep all of us safe. “I don’t like this, Capone. Should we take her to a safe house, at least?”
Capone shook his head. “If sheishere for April, we risk bringing more heat by doing that. For now, we try to let April go about her day-to-day activities as normally as possible. But she’s never alone. I don’t care if she’s pissing or taking a shit. Am I clear? I never want her vulnerable.”
I nodded once. “Understood,” I told him. “I’ll stay with her until she wakes up. Just have someone bring some clothes for her to get dressed in, yeah?”
Capone nodded. “I’ll bring them myself, along with one of Tank’s hoodies. It’ll swallow her?—”
“But it’ll make her feel safe,” I filled in. And even though we were going to try to make sure April lived normally while Malorie was here, we knew she was going to catch on quickly. She always did, and when she did, it was going to flip her world upside down. Even if we were doing everything we could to protect her, some of her security was going to be ripped away.
Because the real world we lived in had come banging on our goddamn door.
Capone nodded in agreement before walking around and leaning over the bed. I swallowed thickly when he gripped my chin in his hand. “You be careful, too, Rider. Don’t go off half-cocked because she’s possibly in danger, understand me?”
I blew out a soft breath, his touch relaxing me. “I won’t. I promise.”
“Good boy,” Capone rumbled against my lips. I trembled as he softly kissed me. “Take care of our woman.”
I roughly cleared my throat, my dick half-hard. “Always,” I promised, my voice sounding like I’d just swallowed gravel.
He pecked my lips one more time, and then he and Hawke left the room.
Ieyed April as I half-assed listened to Malorie drone on and on about something I didn’t give two fucks about. For someone who wassupposedlyshaken from what she’d gone through, she sure as fuck talkeda lot. The only reason I or one of the guys hadn’t told her to shut the fuck up was because we were hoping her rambling would get the best of her and she would let something slip.
Like how she really found us. Because I knew she wasn’t from around here, despite what she said. And we weren’t known for allowing outsiders in. The only reason she was still here was because of April’s conscience. But Tank had let me know she thought something was off, which only put me on guard more.
April was too damn sweet for her own good, and I wished she trusted her gut more. But since we now knew we had a problem, I wasn’t letting Malorie out of here until we got to the bottom of this shit and the threat was eliminated.