Page 42 of Hate On
Roman reached over and snatched his phone away. “Mind your own fucking business.”
“If you end up dead, it is my business,” George pointed out.
“I don’t think I’m going to end up dead over this.” Under their glaring eyes, Roman fired back a text to Julianna.
She wanted a truce.
Not a chance.
It wasn’t exactlywhat he wanted to say, but he wasn’t going into that conversation with the watchful eyes of his two brothers standing there.
“Roman’s right. This isn’t going to kill him,” Alex said, slinging an arm around his older brother’s shoulders.
Roman shoved him lightly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. And again, mind your own business. This isn’t any of your concern.” He fired a look at George. “Or yours.”
But he might as well have been talking to the wall.
Alex continued on. “I mean, have youseenJulianna Castle? Those eyes…her legs…” He whistled and pressed a hand to his heart. “And they say it’s the forbidden fruit that tastes the sweetest.” He slanted a grin at his brother and asked, “Just how sweet is she?”
Too damn sweet,Roman thought. But he clamped his mouth shut and circled the pool table. “Are we playing or not?”
George sighed and picked up his cue stick. “You know, you really should be careful with this viper’s nest you’re walking into.”
“Are you calling Julianna Castle a viper?” Roman asked, an edge in his voice.
George heard it, too. He met Roman’s eyes levelly. “It would be hard to label her as a viper when I don’t know her. But she’s the enemy. And I bet you a thousand bucks you’ve already slept with her. Haven’t you?”
Roman felt his neck heat. He remained silent.
“Shit, man.” George turned away, lifting one hand to his eyes.
Alex, on the other hand, whooped and clapped a hand on Roman’s shoulder. “Hot damn, bro!”
Roman knocked the hand away. “Stop it, Alex. We’re not in high school.”
“Since when did we have to be high school to be happy your brother scored with somebody as hot as Julianna Castle?” Alex continued to grin.
“Keep talking about her like she’s just a piece of ass,” Roman advised. “See how long it takes for me to ram my fist down your throat.”
“See?” George said softly, drawing Roman’s attention back to him. “That’s the problem, and I bet you didn’t even notice therewasa problem. This isn’t just sex—and you know it. You’ve been distracted all afternoon and it’s because you’re thinking about her. You’re not justsleepingwith the enemy. You’re hung up on her. If Dad finds out about that? That’s the viper’s nest I’m talking about, Roman.”
Roman went to argue with George, but once he opened his mouth, he realized there was no argument there. There wasnothinghe could say to his brother that would be the truth and damned if he’d lie about it.
Shit, hewastangled up with the enemy.
And he didn’t think he was ready to beuntangled.
Fuck what his father thought.
Hell, he was still pissed off at his father anyway. Threatening to demote him—it wasn’t like he’d expected Julianna to trick him. Although damn, regardless of what his father thought, he had to respect the fact that both she and her father had been smart enough to plan for something in advance like they had.
“Let it go,” he finally said, meeting George’s eyes. “Just let it go. It doesn’t concern you.”
“The hell it doesn’t,” George replied. “You think I want Dad trying to groom me to take your place when he kicks you out of the family all because you couldn’t keep your hands off a Castle?”
“He wouldn’t do that,” Roman said, shaking his head. Although…part of him wondered.
Head clouded, he glanced around. “You know what? I think I’m done with pool for the day. I’m out of here.”