Page 47 of Papers Don't Lie
I nod, glancing at Esmeray before looking back at my sister. “We’ll go change, and then we can watch a movie. What do you say?”
My sister shakes her head. “No, you’re dressed perfectly for my plan. Now come on,” she says and grabs my hand and Esmeray’s before guiding us to the couch. “Sit.”
Esmeray looks at me, and we try to hide our amusement as we listen to her commands. Lacey walks over to the carpet and plops down, crossing her legs together with a devilish smile on her face.
She rubs her hands before she speaks. “I was pretty upset when I found out I wasn’t invited to your wedding, but you can redo it for me,” she tells us enthusiastically.
My wife stills next to me, her eyes shooting questioning daggers my way. Something tells me she's never had anything to do with kids and doesn’t know how to fix little issues like this one.
“Our celebration is next month, and you’re going to be the maid of honor. How could we not invite you?” I raise a brow at her, and she lifts her chin defiantly.
“No, I don’t mean the wedding, I mean the thing where you say yes or no,” she explains, and I can’t help but laugh. Esmeray still doesn’t say anything.
“It was a very spontaneous decision.”
“Okay.” She’s quick to reply. “But now you have to redo it for me.”
If there’s one thing I know about my sister, it's that she’s unforeseeable and will do anything to get what she wants. Nothing can stop her until she reaches her goal.
“Take her hand.” She rushes me, pointing her finger at Esmeray.
With a smile on my face, I do as she says, turning my body towards my wife. She’s looking at my sister like she’s some kind of enigma to solve but quickly sobers out when I place my palm on top of her. Esmeray faces me as well, letting me take both of her hands in mine.
“Do we really need to do this?” she whispers, holding the smile on her face locked.
“Do you want her to like you?” I whisper back.
“Well, yeah.”
“Then yes,” I say and get closer to her, caressing the top of her palm with my finger.
Her eyes land there, following the course my finger traces on her skin and drawing goosebumps behind. She sucks in a deep breath, her chest rising with the movement as I continue touching her warm body with such an adoration I don’t understand. She finally gazes up at me, her green eyes boring into mine. I smile, caressing her hand.
What she said in the car after all I did… I don’t know what has gotten into me to act with her like that. She didn’t deserve to face anger that was never directed at her. All I could think about was getting her as far as possible from Carter, shielding her away from him, and instead, I hurt her. I don’t think I can ever forgive myself, but if she really did forgive me, I’ll spend my whole life fixing my mistake.
“Kai’s wife, do you marry Kai?" Lacey asks, taking me out of my thoughts.
I look at her and act like I’m whispering so Esmeray won’t hear us. “Esmeray.”
She nods. “Esmeray, do you marry Kai?”
My eyes find her, and there’s a small smile on her lips when she answers. “Yes, I do.”
“Kai, do you marry Esmeray?” my sister continues.
“Yes, I do, I did, and I’ll do it again,” I admit, watching how something twitches in her expression. Her bottom lip moves a bit, the small happiness that was on her face mere moments ago increasing considerably.
“Now, kiss her!” Lacey demands.
Esmeray’s eyes widen, and I know this scares her. The only time we’ve kissed was in Los Angeles at our elopement in front of the man who declared us husband and wife, and the only affectionate touches were in the presence of the public or our families. This time, it feels different. And I don’t know if it’s going to change how things are between us, but deep down, I know that I want to do it.
Since the first time our lips touched, all I've been able to think about is repeating it. I never had the courage to do it without knowing if she wanted it, and now it’s no different.
“Can I?”
She gulps, hesitating for a second to glance at Lacey. Esmeray gives her a smile and then returns her attention to me. “Yes.”
For some reason, that one word releases all the tension from my body. I don’t waste any second and lift my hand, then tuck it under her ear and reach the back of her neck, slowly dragging her to me. Our noses touch, her breath falling heavy over my face. I place a peck on her lips, testing the waters first before going in for a real kiss. Her throat makes an irresistible sound, and no matter how I threaten my cock to stay as it is, it hardens in my pants.