Page 25 of Papers Don't Lie
On the logical side of this, I should’ve refused because the last thing we have time for when someone is threatening her is to have a fucking relaxing day.
Even if I realize this, I can’t go back and tell her it’s not happening after I agreed to it.
Kendrick and I will accompany her while she buys whatever it is that she needs, and then we can remember what our goal is in the first place—finding a way to keep Carter away from Esmeray.
I walk the stairs to go to one of our housekeepers, Irene, but stop in place when I notice Dad eating alone.
Shit. I completely forgot about breakfast.
“You brought someone home last night?” Dad asks without turning to look at me.
My mouth opens and I drag air into my lungs as I try to come up with an excuse. It’s not like I slept in late. I was awake all night.
Before I can say anything, he lifts a hand in the air. “Don’t worry, son. I’m happy you have someone. You know that everything I want to see in this life is one of my children marrying.”
I want to tell him it’s not what it seems like, but I can’t. I can’t take away the happiness on his face right now. So I put on a smile and pat him on the back.
“Thanks. I’ll take her out, if that’s okay with you?” I ask, and he nods his head.
I take it as my cue to find Irene, but he talks again. “So, she’s the reason you’ve been canceling meetings lately?” There’s a smug look on his face, and I laugh at that, not believing to see him like this after such a long time. I can’t remember when the last time was that he was like this.
“Yes,” I admit.
“Good. Bring her for dinner tonight.”
Well… I’m fucked.
It’s the fifteenth store we’ve walked into, and it does nothing to help ease my increased level of stress.
I need a goddamn break.
“So I take it you love bows?” Mr. Graves asks when I buy the thirty-first bow with his card. I tried to buy the first ten, which led us to a fight in front of the cashier, so I stopped trying.
I smile at him. “No, I don’t just love bows. They are part of me,” I tell him, taking the bag from the cashier. “Thank you.”
We walk out of the store, and I release a relieved breath. It feels so good to finally feel like myself again. I don’t even have a bow in my hair just yet, but having them in my hands feels good enough.
“What’s your favorite?” He points at the bags in our hands, and I squint at him at his sudden interest. “So I can put it on for you.”
His suggestion takes me by surprise, and I stumble over my words before I can come out with a reply for him. “The white silky one. But I can do it myself when we get into the car.”
“Which bag?” I give it to him hesitantly, not quite sure he knows how to put one on. He puts his bags down. “Don’t doubtmy skills, troublemaker. I have a little sister, and even though she’s not as obsessed with bows as you are, she loves them.”
Mr. Graves takes the bow out and untangles it, walking behind me before he takes the strands of hair that were resting on my shoulders and places them on my back. His fingers accidentally brush my skin, and I bite my lip to keep a shiver inside, grateful that he’s not facing me in this moment.
“Really?” I whisper. “What’s her name?”
“Lacey,” he replies. “I rarely see her, but I know her better than any of my brothers do,” Kai says, walking in front of me.
I smile. “Thank you.” We step toward the exit through the sea of people. “So, you have brothers?”
His eyes find me, and the sparkle in them tells me he loves them as much as I love my sisters. Mr. Graves is a family man. Who would’ve known?
“Yes. I have three. I’m the oldest. Tristan and Ryker live in Los Angeles, and Kiaran in Costa Rica.”