Page 19 of Rocket
“You could use some staples, but bleedin’s stopped. Up to you.”
“Just put a bandage on it. I’ll keep it clean. It’ll make a nice scar.”
“And we all know scars are sexy,” Lemon added, never taking her eyes from Bullet’s hands. She looked like she was just waiting to pounce on the other man if I flinched. Which… yeah. Cute as hell, if unnecessary. I’d be lying if I said it bothered me that she was so possessive and protective. I could tell the sight of my wound worried her though, and I doubt it was the blood and gore that upset her. Her face grew tight, and I could see the fragile hold she had on her control.
“Yeah?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Try gettin’ a wound bad enough for it to scar you and see what happens.” I had to do something to help her without embarrassing her.
She snorted. “You’re Neanderthal enough for a battle scar to turn you on. Remember that whole being honest with each other shit you spouted earlier?”
“Yeah. You still get hurt at your own peril. ‘Cause, once you’ve healed, I’ll spank your ass, then you’ll wish you hadn’t tested me.”
“If you two are done with the foreplay, I’d really like to finish up here.” Bullet finished with the bandage on the back side of my shoulder before going to Lemon. He stood over her, his arms crossed over his chest. “Now. Lift your shirt and let me see your side.”
Lemon stood and pulled up her shirt, holding it out of the way but with an arm clamped firmly over her breasts so she didn’t flash Bullet. I was happier about that than I wanted to admit. While I hadn’t taken much time to admire her naked body when we were in the shower, I knew she had small, perfect breasts with delicate, pale pink nipples. They were mine to look at. Not Bullet’s.
The bruising on her skin was a mottled red and purple. It took up almost her whole side and there was no way she wasn’t hurting.
“You need an X-ray too.”
“Why? If my ribs are broken, there’s not much to do. Just, you know, breathe so I don’t get pneumonia or whatever.”
“You could have a punctured lung.”
“I’ll let you know if I have trouble breathing.” She lifted her chin stubbornly.
“Rocket’s gotta have one. Ain’t like you won’t be with him anyway.”
“She’ll get one,” I answered for her. When she opened her mouth to protest, I leveled a look at her that I hoped said it didn’t matter how much she protested, this was happening. So instead of losing an argument in front of Bullet, she’d do better to keep her mouth shut. Didn’t mean I didn’t expect her to give me hell later. Just meant I was trying to keep her from losing face.
“Good. I’ll call a buddy and set something up for later tonight. It’s not an emergency, and we want to keep this off the record. Either of you need painkillers?”
“She will,” I said at the same time Lemon answered, “He does.”
Bullet glanced from one of us to the other. “Both it is.” He pulled out another bottle from his bag and tossed it to Rocket. “No more than two every six hours for her. You can take a couple every four hours.”
“Got it.” I snagged the flip-flops Bullet had brought for Lemon. They were probably a little big, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. They’d work.
“Now,” Bullet said as he pulled off his cut and folded it neatly before draping it over the back of a chair. “If the two of you don’t mind, I’d like my room back. Been a pisser of a day and I still need to make arrangements for those X-rays.”
“We were just leaving.” I snagged Lemon’s hand. “Sorry ‘bout the mess in the bathroom.”
“Just as long as you didn’t leave any spunk. Don’t fuck in my area, Rocket.”
I tried to pull Lemon along after me, but she paused just long enough to say, “I think I might like you after all, Bullet.”
I took her from the main compound to my home in the family area. The only person other than me who’d ever been inside my house was Talia. I’d never brought a woman here for any reason. It was my sanctuary. The place I could always go to and know no one would bother me if I didn’t want them to. Even the men of Grim Road would never come inside unless I invited them. I wasn’t inviting them.
I ushered Lemon inside my home and something I hadn’t realized was restless settled inside me. Lemon was here. In my domain. Mine to do with as I pleased.
Except my shoulder was starting to fucking hurt.
I groaned as I shut and locked the door. “Give Wylde a call. I’m sure he’d like to hear from you.”
“Fuck.” Lemon collapsed onto the sofa in a heap, closing her eyes. “Yeah. Need to do that.”
When she didn’t move, the corner of my lips twitched. “Want me to do it?”