Page 13 of Rocket
Fuck a buncha bullshit pissing matches. I was going to get Rocket. He’d come for me; I’d damned well come for him. And Goddamnit, he better not be dead. Or I’d kill him.
I approached the house, not bothering to slow down or quiet the engine. I wanted them to fucking know I was coming for them. Instead of slowing down, I aimed the front tire for the door and hit the gas. Right before it hit, I jumped, rolling to the ground as the bike broke through the door.
There were shouts and a grunt. I hoped Rocket hadn’t been too close. I’d left him on the other side of the small house, which is why I chose this side door instead of the front door. OK, so I hadn’t really thought about it. You know. Until now.
The second I was on my feet I ran through the splintered door. The front tire was on one guy’s chest, the bike on its side. He heaved and shoved it off him, but there was a trickle of blood coming from his mouth and a bloody bubble coming from his nose. My guess was he had some internal damage. But I’m not a doctor or anything. Just… duh!
I heard Rocket yell from the other side of the house and breathed a sigh of relief strong enough to make my knees weak. Why it mattered that he was OK I wasn’t about to examine too closely. He was an asshole in the extreme and a dumbass asshole to boot. The way I saw it, it was partly Rocket’s fault Scarlet had been hurt so badly. He’d somehow overlooked the fact his vice president was a pussy too scared for his big secret to come out to protect his daughter from a fucking monster. I got that Scarlet said she wanted to go with Hammer initially, but I wasn’t ready to let Rocket completely off the hook. He knew what Claw had been capable of, and he knew Hammer had every reason to want to hurt Claw any way he could. So by allowing Claw to approve Hammer taking his daughter away from the protection of Grim Road, Rocket was as guilty as Claw was.
When he gave another shout, I grabbed the big knife on the kitchen table, laying it against my forearm as I stalked through the living room where three men were shaking off the initial shock of the motorcycle bursting through their side door. It looked like they’d been in the process of working Rocket over. His face was a bit worse for wear, but he was on his feet and giving back better than he was getting.
I fought my way past one of the guys, making a deep slice across the back of his thigh as I went. He went down with a sharp yelp and I stopped to stab him three times in quick succession in the neck. With that initial kill, blood arcing over my shirt, the full impact of what I’d just done hit me. I didn’t care that I’d been the one to kill that asshole. Anyone who could kidnap a child deserved whatever he got. What horrified me the most was that I’d done it in Grim Road’s territory. Anything I did they couldn’t clean up could and probably would fall back on them.
I met Rocket’s gaze as he snagged a knife from the boot of the guy next to him and made a swipe up, catching the guy’s femoral artery if the blood instantly soaking his jeans was any indication. Then he stabbed him twice in the neck before doing much the same to the last guy.
We stared at each other for several long moments. I had this overwhelming urge to run straight into Rocket’s arms and take from him what I’d dreamed about taking for months now. I wanted to with everything in my being. But I was not about to make the first move. He could damn well chase after me because I absolutely would not make a move on him first. That was assuming I didn’t kill him. Which was a pretty big Goddamned “if”.
“What the fuck were you thinking!” I yelled at him, uncaring if anyone else saw or heard our little tiff. I mean, we were both covered in blood. I was pretty sure my dressing him down would be the last thing any witness would be concerned about. “If you hadn’t tried to play the fuckin’ hero, I could have taken out another of these assholes and you could have taken the other two. Even if you had been shot.”
“I was trying to give you a way to get the kid out without either of you getting killed.” He didn’t sound any less angry than I felt. “Ever think you don’t have to play the fuckin’ hero, Lemon? I promise you, I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Now, what’d you do with the girl?”
“I finally found a few of your club. You know. The ones who didn’t follow you when you came to get me. They were on the other side of fucking town! Wylde had to send them to find me, and they had no intention of coming after you! Then that asshole, Falcon, tried to get me to calmly go back to the compound so they could decide what to do about helping you. Like he didn’t already know you were coming here and what the situation was. And that it wasn’t a given they were going to help you out either. What kind of fuckin’ bullshit is that?” I was talking a mile a minute and asking questions I had no business asking. Also, I didn’t want to know about his stinking club. Any MC who would leave their fucking president hanging out to dry wasn’t an MC I wanted to be anywhere near. Granted, Iron Tzars was the only club I had any real experience with, but they were a true brotherhood. They had each other’s backs. To the death. The way it should be.
“Will you shut up? Who rode Falcon’s bike through the door?”
“That’d be me. Problem?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Not with me, honey. Falcon, on the other hand…”
As he spoke, the man in question stomped through the door and straight to his bike. He looked like he was ready to throttle someone. Probably Rocket. ‘Cause Rocket had been bad.
“You don’t spank her ass, I will, Rocket. She fuckin’ wrecked my bike!”
“Don’t be a pussy,” I snapped. “It’s just a fuckin’ bike. If you can’t fix it, bring it to the Tzars. If I can’t fix it, Clutch can.” No way I could fix his bike, but he didn’t need to know that.
“Christ, Rocket. How has someone not killed her in her sleep yet?”
“‘Cause I don’t sleep, asshole.”
Falcon bared his teeth at me. I flipped him off. Yeah. We were gonna be besties. Not.
“Back the fuck off, Falcon. I’ll get the club to buy you a brand-new fuckin’ bike if it’ll soothe your delicate sensibilities.”
That got a snort from me. “I was right to have pegged you as a pussy. You’re totally a fuckin’ pussy.”
“Knock it off, Lemon. Know when to stop.” Rocket sounded like every inch the MC president then. Which was to say scary as fuck. Like your dad might if he caught you sneaking out of the house to go screw your boyfriend. Too bad I didn’t give a fuck. He didn’t scare me. Besides, I was pretty sure I could take him on a good day.
“I’ll stop when he stops being a pussy.”
“Rocket, woman or not, I ain’t takin’ this kinda shit.”
Before I could say anything, Rocket wrapped one arm around my middle and clamped the other hand over my mouth. “Not a word. We’ll talk later. Right now, you shut the fuck up and do what I say. We’ve got to get scarce and let the boys do their job.” I turned my head as much as I could to meet Falcon’s furious gaze with one of my own. Yeah. I didn’t need to say anything to get my point across. Me and pigeon nuts here were gonna have it out sooner rather than later. And, yeah. That would’ve sounded way better out loud than it did in my head.
Chapter Six
I was hard as a motherfucker. Lemon… That woman… That fucking woman…