Page 38 of Between the Pipes
Ah, so that’s it. I’ve impressed him as a straight man whom he thinks is experimenting.“I guess. I don’t think of it that way, though. It’s just body parts, right? I like yours.”
“I’ve got a little bit of a complex about that.”
“Feels pretty good to be the first man you’ve been attracted to. There is a whole world of gay men out there, cursing my name.”
Snorting a laugh, I tip my face enough to kiss the underside of his jaw. I like this Nico the best of all—the one that feels safe and comfortable, and isn’t worried about the parts of the world he can’t see.
“Can I ask you a favor?” Nico says, before I can respond. My eyebrows wing upward, and I’m glad my facial expression is hidden from his view.
“Of course.”
“You can say no.” He shifts underneath me, but I don’t attempt to get off of him yet. I’m staying here until he asks me to move. “I have an appointment tomorrow, in the afternoon. I was wondering if you’d be willing to drive me? It’s okay if you don’t want to—I know it’s the first early finish we’ve had in awhile, so you might want to use the time another way. Please don’t feel obligated.”
The more he says, the more he sounds like he regrets asking in the first place. He’s talking himself out of it before I’ve even had a chance to answer. “I can drive you. Anywhere you need, just let me know.”
“I’ll give you gas money. It’s also pretty far, because it’s a specialist for my eyes and they don’t have one at the hospital here—."
“Nico, it’s fine. Really. I don’t need gas money, and I’d love to chauffeur you around. Not just tomorrow, butanyday, alright?”
“Alright,” he says, a touch sadly. “Thank you.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Squeezing his fingers, hard, because I canfeelhim worrying I add: “Seriously, Nico, don’t worry about it.”
He doesn’t answer, but I feel him take a deep inhale; or at least, he tries to inhale, but is obstructed by my weight. Sighing, I let go of his hand and press a kiss to his chin as I lift my head up. His eyes meet mine. Hazel really is the superior eye color.
“We should get cleaned up.” I lift off him, regretfully, and go to dispose of the condom.
He’s followed me to the bathroom, and reaches around me to turn on the shower. I assume this is my hint to leave, but before I can make it all the way out of the bathroom, he’s wrapped his fingers around my wrist and tugged me back.
“Plenty of night left,” he says, in answer to my surprised look.
I’ve never showered here. Regardless of what we do, or how many times we do it, I always drive home a little sticky and smelling of sex. I’ve never even asked about using his shower, because Nico’s idea of what is too intimate is vastly different than mine and I don’t want to push it. But he seems unconcerned as I step into the small shower behind him and he turns to face me. The water colors his light brown hair a darker shade, and I reach up to run a hand through the short strands.
“You got a haircut,” he says, twisting around to grab the soap.
“I did.”Finally. It’s still longer than Nico’s, though that isn’t exactly difficult.
“It looks nice,” he says, and runs one hand through the short waves. I lean my head into his palm, liking the way that feels.
We wash mostly in silence, elbows knocking against the wall and bodies bumping into each other in the small space. I fucking love it. Because he hadn’t thought to grab an extra one before we got wet, Nico lets me dry off with his towel. I press it to my face, inhaling his scent, before hanging it back up and trailing him into the bedroom. This time, I don’t assume that I’llbe asked to leave, since he’s proved me wrong on every turn so far tonight.
He lays back down and pats the bed. “Stay a little while,” he says, and my heart damn near jumps out of my chest.
With a casualness that I definitely don’t feel, I join him. Nico’s resting on his side so I do the same, trying to get as close as I can. We’re facing each other, knees bent and one arm tucked under the pillows beneath our cheeks: mirror images of each other. Neither of us bothered to put clothes back on. I stare at him, shamelessly.
“I think I’m going to try to get back into the gym,” Nico breaks the silence first, drawing my gaze away from his dick and up to his eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“I haven’t been to the gym since I was released from the hospital. I miss it, and I think I’d feel better if I was able to break a good sweat every now and then.”
“A gym seems like it might be a little…” I trail off, looking for the correct way to say this without offending or embarrassing him. The word I want isdangerous, but I doubt he’d appreciate that.
“Hazardous?” He agrees, giving me one of his rare smiles. “That’s why I’ve avoided it. But I miss it, and I need to try and get back to my old life, as much as I’m able. Every time I look at you, it’s a not-so-subtle nudge to do a few ab exercises.”
I scrunch up my nose. “Don’t do that on my account. I like the way you look now.”