Page 16 of Between the Pipes
“If…if we’re going to be involved in any capacity, we should probably establish some ground rules.”
Naturally. I wonder if he’s going to draw up a contract and have me sign it. “Okay.” I wait, because this is his rodeo, and it’s immediately apparent that he already has some ideas about rules.
“No public dates. And we don’t tell anyone what we’re doing.” He waits, and I nod. “No spending the night at each other’s place. And no kissing.”
That last one rankles, because it’s the one thing I can’t stop thinking about. I bite down the dozens of arguments that are clawing their way up my throat. Taking a deep breath, I channel indifference. “Okay. Anything else, Coach? No eye contact, perhaps? Should I just let myself in and bend over?”
Those pretty eyes narrow on mine. “Funny.”
I reach up and pat his cheek, obnoxiously. “See you tomorrow. Get some rest tonight. I’m only working here for the summer, so we might as well make the most of our arrangement, huh?”
Without waiting for a reply, which would no doubt be scathing, I step away from him. I need to go home and workout, regardless of the Indian food sitting heavy in my stomach.Jesus, what a terrible end to the day.
“Anthony,” Nico calls, when I’ve got a hand on the front door. I halt, but don’t turn around. When he continues speaking, my stomach tightens with longing because it ends up being the nicest thing he’s said to me all night: “Drive safe.”
Despite my big talk from the other night, we don’t end up hooking up the following night, or any other night that week. In fact, the full first week passes by in a hectic blur and by the time the weekend rolls around I’m starting to see the appeal of Nico’s “no strings attached” arrangement. At this point, I’d agree to anything just to fuck him.
I’ve slept like shit all week, Istillhaven’t done my laundry, and Nico Mackenzie is still skating awkwardly around, looking like a damn snack. With every practice this week, I found it harder and harder to keep my eyes off of him. Because of this, I’ve become more aware of his tells and the strange way he moves. He’s like a baby giraffe trying to balance on too-long legs, not a grown man and former AHL player who should be more comfortable on skates than he is on solid ground.
“Are you okay?” Corwin’s voice pulls me back to the present. I’m seated at his patio table, watching as he, Nigel, and Troy sign the merchandise I brought over.
“What?” He’s leaned over, signing a South Carolina tee that’s sitting by my elbow. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.”
This is true. It’s hard to sleep when you keep having confusing dreams about a tall, green-eyed hockey coach. Corwin doesn’t look convinced.
“I didn’t know you were coaching at SCU over the summer,” he says, sitting down next to me. Across the table from us, Nigel whispers something to Troy who snorts with laughter.
“It was a last-minute thing. They were hard up, and I guess Coach gave them my number.” Twisting the beer bottle in my hands, I eye my friend. He would never have agreed to Nico’s rules, were our roles reversed. Then again, Nigel never would have proposed them in the first place.
“Is this Nico Mackenzie guy really that bad?” He asks, reading my mind with uncomfortable accuracy.
“No. Well, yes. He seems pretty unhappy.”
“Because of the accident? I’d be unhappy, too, if my career was ruined that way.”
“Yeah,” I draw out the word, slowly, as I think. Nigel said that Nico had almost lost an eye, which I hadn’t known. I’m not in the practice of Googling people, so I have no background information on the man. His scars are bad, but notlosing an eyebad. Then again, what the hell do I know. Sam drops into the vacated seat beside mine, kicking his legs out in front of him and watching Troy sign a ballcap.
“What are we talking about?” He asks, looking over at me and Corwin.
“Nico Mackenzie,” I tell him.
“Do they need any additional help?” Corwin asks, suddenly. “I’m free for most of the summer, until Nigel and I go to Canada. I’d be happy to donate some time to work with the students.”
“I don’t know, Cor. I can ask, but—."
“Me too!” Troy perks up. “I’d love to come. I’ve always wanted to go to an SCU game, but the timing hasn’t ever worked out. It would be fun to coach.”
Corwin is one thing, but Troy? No way. I like Nico, but the thought of watching him be a dick to Troy makes me feel ill. “Uhm, well, like I said, I’ll ask but I don’t know. Pretty sure it was like pulling teeth to get Nico to agree to let me join.”
“Why? You’re great,” Troy says, bending to dash off another signature.
“I’m sure Mackenzie is under a lot of pressure this season. He’s got to make sure the team performs, if he wants to keep his job,” Nigel puts in.
“Hey Saint, when you say he almost lost an eye…” I trail off, hoping he picks up the baton and runs with it.
“Honestly, I don’t know much more than that. I do know it was an illegal hit by Martin Tremblay, though. Play wasstopped and he cross-checked Mackenzie from behind. He went into the boards face-first.”