Page 40 of One Night with a Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club 6)
Was Daphne in a relationship with Cade? Was Kylie being played?
Either way, things were messy. Her mind whirled with unhappy thoughts as she packed up her things, and then to keep her hands busy, she refreshed her own makeup. Not that there would be anyone to see it, but she felt more confident when she looked good.
Daphne headed up to the stage area a short time later in her opening number costume, and Ginger emerged with a spare tutu from the night before. “I swear, that girl goes through more costumes than anyone I’ve ever worked for,” she said with an eye roll. “And when she’s not stepping on the hems, I have to take them in.” She paused near Kylie and peered. “What’s wrong, honey?”
God, was she that obvious? Kylie blinked rapidly. “I-I’m okay.”
“Bullshit. I’m a mom. My youngest is twenty-three now but I can still recognize when someone’s unhappy.” She nodded her head at the door. “Come on. Come out on a smoke break with me.”
“I don’t smoke,” Kylie said.
“Just come out on a smoke break with me,” Ginger repeated, staring pointedly at Kylie.
“Okay.” Because clearly there was something that needed to be said that shouldn’t be said inside.
Ginger just smiled thinly at her, snagged her purse, and headed out the fire escape. Kylie followed her, and they both showed their badges to the security guard, then strolled out along the back wall of the building, heading toward the Dumpster. Ginger leaned up against it, fished a cigarette out of her purse, and lit it. “Sure you don’t want one? Menthol. I tried that vapor shit but couldn’t get past the taste.”
“No, I’m good,” Kylie said. She crossed her arms and gazed out at the far side of the building where crowds were forming near a barricade to get in to the concert. They’d be letting them in very soon and then the opening act would go on.
“Daph sure seems to be in a good mood lately, doesn’t she?”
“I guess so.”
“She told me all about the new guy she was dating.” Ginger gave Kylie a pointed look. “New guy with blond hair and an old friend of hers.”
Kylie winced and looked away again. “Mmmhmm.”
“Which is funny, I think to myself, because I could have sworn I saw Kylie go home with some guy the first night of the tour. Some guy that showed up to see Daphne. Some guy with blond hair.”
Kylie said nothing. What could she possibly say?
“And I thought I should show you this,” Ginger said. She dug in her purse and pulled out a folded copy of Celebrity! Magazine and handed it to Kylie.
She took it from Ginger and gazed at the cover. There was a starlet with a new baby on the front page, someone else’s cheating drama in a sidebar, and in a tiny corner picture, it read: DAPHNE PETTY: NEW TOUR, NEW LOVE! SEE P. 12. And because she was a sucker, Kylie flipped over to page twelve and skimmed it. There was a picture of Daphne on stage, surrounded by her dancers, her microphone held in the air. The caption box stated:
New beginnings for troubled heartthrob? Everyone’s favorite pop princess, Daphne Petty, is starting her first North American tour since hitting rehab last year, and rumor has it that she has a new flame as well! Though we’re told that Petty is very committed to making her show the best possible, a source has leaked to us that Petty has been seen multiple times in the company of billionaire philanthropist Cade Archer, 30. The source says that they’re keeping things on the down-low for now, but seem “very cozy” when together. “They’re childhood friends,” our source says. “Cade understands Daphne better than anyone else, and he’s completely supportive of her. He’s been interested in Daphne for years, and has waited for the right time to make his move.” Sounds like someone’s right time is now!
Kylie closed the magazine and handed it back over to Ginger.
“Revolting magazine, isn’t it?” Ginger said, then took another drag on her cigarette. “Fucking puff pieces galore, and you know they’re planted by publicists who are looking to get attention for their clients.”
“Do you think that was a puff piece?” Kylie asked, trying to keep the hopeful note out of her voice.
“I have no clue,” Ginger admitted. “But he has been around a lot, they are childhood friends, and now Daphne’s blabbing about dating him. Let’s face it, kid. When it comes down to things, you and I are the hired help, and she’s the star of the show. If it comes down to you or her . . .”
“He’s going to pick her,” Kylie said softly. Of course he would. He’d try to let Kylie down in the nicest way possible, but he’d still pick Daphne. How could Kylie possibly compete against someone Cade had wanted for years on end? “Thanks for the warning, Ginger.”