Page 62 of Beauty and the Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club 2)
“Introduce us, Gretchen,” Hunter demanded, his gaze on Cooper even as he hovered possessively over her.
She ground her teeth. Well, hell. This had just gotten ugly fast. She slid her hand out from under Cooper’s and gave him a soft, apologetic smile. “Cooper, this is . . . Hunter. He owns Buchanan Manor.”
“Yes. The phantom intent on sucking the blood of virgins, I believe you said,” Hunter stated coldly.
Cooper’s face turned an alarming shade of purple. “Uh . . .”
“Thanks for bringing the box, Cooper.” She shut it to give her hands something to do and so she could quit staring at the many shades of awkward that Cooper’s face was turning. “This is going to be really helpful for my deadline.”
“Of course. Anything you need, I’m here for you.”
Hunter seemed to glower even more. “You don’t need to be here for her. I’m here for her.”
Gretchen inhaled sharply. This was going from bad to worse. “Since you’re here, Cooper—”
“Actually, I was just about to leave.” He got up hastily, the stool nearly falling over with his jerky movements.
“Oh, but I was wondering if you could take a check to my landlord—”
“He said he has to go,” Hunter said darkly. “I’ll take care of whatever you need, Gretchen.” His gaze moved over Cooper again. “He knows that.”
“I really should go,” Cooper said. He gestured at the door.
“Eldon will show you out.”
And the annoying butler was there a moment later, holding the door to the kitchen open. Cooper headed for it, but not before giving Gretchen a wounded look as he headed out the door.
“Thanks again, Cooper. You’re a good friend,” she called as he was escorted out. When the door swung shut again, she buried her face in her hands. “Oh, God, that went really badly.”
“Who was that?” Hunter asked, his voice stiff with fury.
“He’s a friend of mine.”
“He was trying to hit on you,” Hunter bit out. “His hand was on yours.”
“Not through any of my doing,” she admitted. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to let him down easy.” She glanced at the kitchen door and felt a twinge of remorse. “Guess I don’t have to worry about that anymore.”
“You didn’t tell him we were together?”
She tilted her head, giving Hunter an odd look. “Are we together, Hunter? You’ve never said and I didn’t want to presume.”
Shock crossed his face. “We had sex.”
“We had really great sex, Hunter. And I love having sex with you. But it doesn’t mean we’re together.”
The expression on his face looked shattered. “I . . . see.”
Why was he so upset at that? She was trying to give him an easy out. Here’s some casual sex with no strings attached. You’re welcome. Why was he so offended then? Most guys would be thrilled.
He turned away, and she noticed he was carefully hiding the scarred side of his face.
It hit her, then.
The phantom intent on sucking the blood of virgins, I believe you said.
He’d heard that. And she’d simply sputtered. She hadn’t defended him, or protested, and then to make matters worse, she’d just told him she wasn’t in this for a relationship.
No wonder he was acting wounded. “Hunter. That wasn’t what I meant.”