Page 48 of Beauty and the Billionaire (Billionaire Boys Club 2)
Hunter stiffened, surprise locking him into place.
A warm hand clasped the base of his cock and a hot mouth moved over the head. He felt Gretchen’s tongue swirl over it and he collapsed against the pillows. “Gretchen, I . . . oh, fuck. You’re amazing. So amazing.”
“I know,” she murmured, her words muffled. And then she took him deep into her mouth and began to suck.
God, she was the most amazing woman. He groaned again as she began to work his cock, his hands fisting in the blankets. He wanted to reach down and touch her, but he didn’t want to disturb her. Not when she was doing something so incredibly perfect. Her mouth was like heaven on his cock.
He glanced over at the nightstand, suddenly disturbed that her cat might be watching him get a blowjob, but it was gone. Thank God for that.
She sucked him harder, and he couldn’t resist a little thrust into her mouth, his hips pushing up. That small movement reminded him that he wasn’t going to last, and he told her that. True to form, Gretchen didn’t move away from him. Instead, she redoubled her efforts, taking him deep in her throat and making little noises of pleasure from under the blanket, as if she loved nothing more than to suck on him.
That image, combined with the feel of her on his cock and the tickle of her long hair on his skin, sent him over far too quickly. He came with a shout of her name.
She came up from under the blankets with an impish look on her face. “Just a little something to start the day off right.”
“The day started off right when I woke up and saw you.”
Her face softened and she smiled at him, then poked him with a finger. “Keep saying stuff like that and it’s going to be very hard to get rid of me.”
That was fine with him. He had no intention of ever letting her go.
Gretchen’s pleasant, relaxed mood disappeared the moment she went into the library to work. She’d left her phone on the secretary last night and saw that she’d received several voice messages since she’d last checked it.
The first one was from her agent asking if she had finished the Astronaut Bill manuscript. The publisher was waiting on it and getting very upset. If she didn’t turn it in within the next week, the book would have to be pushed and the publication schedule—including her payments—would be juggled. Kat needed Gretchen to call back ASAP.
She deleted it.
The next message was from her apartment manager. Rent was due two days ago and they hadn’t received her check. Had she forgotten?
She hadn’t. She just didn’t have the money yet. She’d signed the contract for this project, but the check still had not come in. Frustrating, but nothing she could do about it except call her landlord and explain that she could mail them a check, but they couldn’t cash it until she was paid. They wouldn’t be keen on it, but they knew she was a writer and that payments were few and far between. She’d had to make arrangements like that before.
The third message was from Cooper. Gretchen listened to it with a growing feeling of dread. The message was friendly and pleasant. Cooper wanted to know how her project was going and that he was looking forward to seeing her again, and did she possibly want to get together this weekend just to hang out and catch up?
She deleted that message, too, and barely resisted burying her face in her hands. The situation with Cooper was a sticky one. He was a friend—a good friend—and had been since college. Unfortunately, he was more like the wimpy little brother she never had, rather than the strong, silent, almost lonely type that she seemed to fall for.
Gretchen put her phone down and thought dreamily about Hunter. Last night had been . . . delicious. The endless foreplay was fun, but she had a craving ache deep within that told her that she wanted more. Time to tell Hunter to buy some condoms. She wondered how he’d like that. Her virgin billionaire didn’t seem to like to go out in public and she suspected the scars were the reason why. He’d probably just delegate the task to Eldon.
And Eldon would disapprove. He disapproved of everything.
The phone rang as she held it, and Gretchen picked up the call automatically. “Hello?”
“Gretchen, honey, tell me you’re hitting send on that Astronaut Bill manuscript as we speak?”
She winced. “Hey, Kat. And um, it’s not done. I still need another week or two.”
“Gretch! You told me you’d have it done in a week . . . two weeks ago.”
“I know. This other project has been a little more . . . time consuming than I thought it would be.” The
re was that, and the fact that she spent every spare moment trying to seduce the owner of the house she was staying in. But Hunter was just so deliciously bleak and fascinating. She couldn’t stay away from him. Was he in his greenhouse even now, selecting a rose while thinking of her? Why did that make her panties instantly wet just to think about?
“Well, can’t you put the project aside for a few days and finish this other one? Just have Bill shag Uranus in her anus and send it off.”
“Uranea and the publisher would freak out if I threw in butt sex.”
“Whatever, and the publisher’s freaking out right now because you’re grossly overdue. Gretchen, they’re going to fire you if you don’t get this book in. I’m your agent. I’m supposed to tell you when you’re doing bad career moves, right? This is a bad one. Very bad. Can you just sit down and hammer out a few chapters for me? Please?” Kat’s voice turned wheedling. “So I don’t have to make an ugly phone call about how my favorite client didn’t hit her deadline again?”