Page 6 of Christiano
I release her wrists and drop to my knees. She looks down at me, her cheeks flushed.
"Are you wet for me?" I ask.
She says nothing but I can feel her thighs trembling.
"Let's see, shall we." I push her panties to one side and slide one finger through her folds.She's drenched. As I knew she would be. One taste is all I need. Then I'll go.
I swipe my tongue across her clit and then lower, tasting her sweet honey. She's as sweet as I expected and the way she gasps sends more blood rushing to my already throbbing cock.
This was a mistake. I'm not sure I can leave now, not without feeling her clench around my cock as she comes.
But I have no choice.
In my life, family always comes first.
"This isn't over," I tell her when I stand. "I'm going to spank your sweet little ass and then fuck you so hard you'll be screaming my name all night long."
And I fully intend to keep my promise.
Chapter 6
My legs are shaking so hard it's a miracle I can drag myself back into the bathroom. How I'm supposed to go down for brunch and face Lucia is beyond me. She'll take one look at my stupid flushed face and know something happened. I can't decide whether I'm gutted we were interrupted or relieved. I have a feeling that if I'd let Christiano ravish me, for lack of a better word, I'd be ruined for all other men.
Gah! I need to get the fuck out of here ASAP. While drunk Cara thought it was an excellent idea to seduce the sexy mafia man, sober Cara knows it won't end well. Just becauseThalia and Salvatore wrote their own love story doesn't mean Christiano sees me as anything other than a good time.
I pull on a funky pair of tights with cute little cats on, add a purple and black skater girl dress, and do my best to tidy my hair. My head has stopped pounding at least, thanks to all the sex hormones that flooded my limbic system 20 minutes ago.
It occurs to me Christiano wasn't kidding when he said he'd tidied my room, which is yet another reason why it's a bad idea to have sexy times with him. We are fundamentally unsuited.
I'm a poor art student who can't be tidy even if her life depended on it, and he clearly has OCD tendencies. I'd drive him mental. Plus I have Hamish to think of. Somehow, I can't see a big scary mafia guy falling in love with my pampered, psychotic cat. A cat with long hair that sheds everywhere. And Hamish doesn't like men.
I pluck a few white hairs from my dress and sigh again.
So, Plan B it is.
Eat brunch.
Be polite.
Avoid creepy Uncle Eduardo.
Call an Uber.
You got this, Cara.
Chances are I won't see Christiano again anyway. Now that the wedding is over, he has no reason to contact me. He'llprobably be back boning his model/influencer/exotic dancer part-time girlfriend within 24 hours.
I try not to think about him boning anyone, as it makes me feel a touch homicidal. Which is ridiculous when nothing happened. Literally nothing other than some flirting. OK, so I was almost naked and so was he, and he had a massive...
NO. Not going there, Cara!
I shake my head and finish packing, deciding to forgo brunch. Thankfully, Lucia seems distracted and doesn't seem to mind that I'm skipping off early.
"Don't worry about calling an Uber, one of the guys will run you home."