Page 21 of Christiano
The call ends and I slump in my chair. I feel so helpless. Fuck knows what Cara is going through and here I am, sittingin the meeting room waiting for Romano to find a needle in a haystack.
"I think I have something," my brother announces when his phone pings. "Let me go check my systems to be sure."
He dashes out of the room and into his tech cave, where all the IT shit happens. I'm right behind him, praying to every deity I can think of that he has identified where Dimitri has taken my girl, and that we're not too late to rescue her.
I'm standing in a pocket of blackness, watching the warehouse where Dimitri and his crew are keeping Cara. Rain drizzles down and my black cargo pants and jacket are soaked, but all I can think about is Cara.
My thoughts run in a perpetual loop. The thought of her perfect little body being violated by Dimitri's men makes me homicidal. Whatever else happens tonight, he's a dead man. Nobody touches my girl and lives to tell the tale. Irrespective of what Alexei says, Dimitri dies.
The Glock in my hand is loaded and the safety is off. We're waiting for Rico and Elias to do a quick sweep and take out the two guards then it's time to hit them hard.
Romano tracked down the van to this warehouse, but Rosie confirmed what we already suspected: this is where Dimitri has his base of operations.
Some of his men use the girls who work out of Rosie's bar. Rosie turns a blind eye to what goes on in return for useful information, which she passes on to me. She called me not long after we spoke to Alexei to say one of the girls had fucked a Russian guy who'd boasted about how his crew had stolen some weapons in the hopes their Pakhan, Alexei, would promote their unit.
I already know it isn't going to happen, given they have jeopardized the peace accord between our two organizations, but they aren't that bright, and Dimitri is too ambitious for his own good.
The Russian offered to show her where the weapons were being kept, presumably to impress her, and she was smart enough to pass the info along in return for a large cash reward and a ticket out of town for a while.
If Cara isn't here, then we will take Dimitri and torture her whereabouts out of him. How long he survives is up to him. He can either tell us and have a relatively quick death or hold out and suffer. I don't care. All I care about is getting my girl back.
Rico slides in beside me and nods. It's time to move in. I signal to Romano and the rest of the guys, and we edge out of the shadows. The other men are already in place at the two other exits, so I bark an order over the comms and we move in as a unit.
Once inside, it's all over pretty quickly, with no injuries on our side apart from a minor gunshot wound. Dimitri only had five guys in the warehouse. The rest will be picked up by Alexei over the next couple of days.
"You'll die for this, just like your????," Dimitri snarls before spitting at me. A mixture of blood and saliva drops to the floor just past my boot and I punch him in the face, enjoying the way his nose cartilage shatters. He'd love to fight back, I can see the rage in his eyes, but he's strapped down to a metal chair and there's no way he can break the cable ties.
I've sent the guys to search the warehouse, but Rico shakes his head to say there's no sign of her. I turn back to Dimitri.
"You have one last chance to tell me where she is,stronzo."
He laughs. "Poshel na khuy!" I don't speak Russian but I know when I'm being insulted.
"Well, looks like we need to do this the hard way. Rico, pass me the bag of tricks."
Rico grabs the small bag we brought with us, just in case Dimitri wasn't feeling talkative. I unzip it and bring out a small acetylene torch. The blue flame is 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Not quite hot enough to weld steel, but plenty hot enough to cause significant pain.
Dimitri's face turns ashen. No man can withstand this kind of pain and he's no exception. I push the flame near his balls, and he screams as the denim smolders.
"Stop! I'll tell you where she is!" He sobs as I flick the flame off. I'm a bit disappointed that he broke so quickly. I was looking forward to exorcising some of my rage, but no matter. "There's a door in the back office, behind the filing cabinet. She's in there."
"She better still be in one piece, Dimitri, or this," I point to the acetylene torch. "Is getting a lot of use tonight."
Romano coughs and grimaces. He has no stomach for this kind of thing, but I ignore him. Torture isn't my thing either, but I'm feeling extra motivated this evening.
"Watch him," I tell Rico. Dimitri isn't in much of a state to try and escape, but desperate men will try anything.
Romano follows me into the office. We pull the filing cabinet out of the way and open the metal door. The room inside is pitch black - there are no windows - but I can see enough to spot Cara lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. Her blue hair is dark with blood and she's still, much too still.
"Cara!" I rush over and lift her limp body into my arms. She doesn't stir, but she's breathing at least. "Fuck, baby, I got you now," I tell her but there's nothing.
"Clear up the mess here," I bark at Romano, "And get rid of thatpezzo di merda. Tell Rico to make it as painful as possible."
"I'll give Aroldo an update too. Go, get her to the hospital!" he says, shoving me toward the door.