Page 51 of Hunted By A Shadow (Kings Of Mafia)
Laughter explodes over the line. “Hell will freeze over. Every time he comes over, he looks at the triplets like they're a bomb that’s about to detonate. He’s shit scared of them.”
A chuckle escapes me, then I say, “I’ll make some time to visit over the weekend.”
“You better, or I’m coming to your place with the triplets, and you can babysit them while I take a nap in one of the guest rooms.”
“Don’t you dare.” My eyes flick to Skylar, who quickly turns her face away again. “I have a guest. Don’t bring the kids around.”
“Who’s the guest?”
Lifting my hand, I rub my palm over my face before replying, “The woman who got Giulio’s kidney.”
“Christ, Renzo,” Franco snaps. “You’re taking her to your penthouse? Why?”
“I’ll tell you when I see you,” I say, not wanting Skylar to hear that part of our conversation.
“Okay. Be careful.”
“I will.” Ending the call, I tuck the device back into my pocket.
Minutes later, Fabrizio parks the Bentley in the designated spot, and I push the door open. Climbing out, I bark, “Come,topolina.”
Skylar hesitates before she gets out, and halfway to the elevator, she stops.
I press the button, and when the doors open, I scan the keycard and order, “Vincenzo, shoot her if she’s not inside the elevator when the doors shut.”
“Yes, boss.”
Skylar hurries inside and wraps her arms around her middle.
The silence is thick between us as we go up to the top floor, and when the doors slide open, I walk to the living room and pick up the remote. Switching the TV on, all the live streams from the cameras in the Davies house appear.
The housekeeper is in the kitchen, but there’s no sign of Harlan. Pulling my phone out, I dial Carlo’s number.
“Yes, boss?” he answers before the third ring.
“Where is he?”
“We had to rough him up a little. We’re five minutes from the house.”
“Did he get the warning?”
“Yes, boss.”
I end the call, and while I wait for Harlan to get home, I glance at Skylar, who stares at the TV with a horrified expression.
“Welcome to your new home,” I say, my tone promising nothing good.
Her eyes flit to my face. “This will never be my home.”
I let out a dark chuckle. “We’ll see about that.”
Chapter 18
Holy shit.