Page 104 of Hunted By A Shadow (Kings Of Mafia)
I’ll love her so fucking hard she’ll have no choice but to love me back.
Turning my head, my eyes settle on her face, and I stare at her until she glances at me and asks, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
It’s not the time or place, but there’s no stopping the words.
“I love you.”
Her lips part and surprise fills her eyes.
Shaking my head, I add, “Don’t say anything back. I just want you to know you’re loved.”
She sucks in a deep breath, then giving my hand a squeeze, she leans her head against my shoulder.
I press my mouth to her hair and close my eyes.
Chapter 34
Sitting out on the balcony, I pull the blanket tighter around my shoulders as I stare at the city lights.
It’s been a week since I laid Dad to rest and had my biopsy. The results came back, and somehow, despite all the shit I’ve been through, the kidney is working perfectly.
When I think about everything, I can only shake my head because it sounds like something out of a movie.
The wind picks up, blowing my hair all over the place.
Suddenly, Renzo comes around the side of the outdoor couch and scoops me into his arms. Without a word, he carries me through the bedroom and heads downstairs, where he plants me on one of the chairs by the kitchen island.
My eyes widen when I see all the food spread out over the granite top.
“I didn’t know what you’d be in the mood for, so I had Viviana send over an assortment,” he says as he takes a seat next to me. “What do you want to try first?”
I let go of the blanket and answer, “I’ll have the salmon, please.”
Renzo dishes up for me, and I watch as he even cuts the salmon into bite-size pieces.
Not once since Dad’s death has this man lost his temper with me. Instead, he’s carried me more than I’ve ever been carried in my life, made sure I don’t skip meals or my medication, and hovered obsessively around me.
He’s been so caring and attentive I’m struggling to keep him out of my heart.
Renzo holds a fork out to me, and when I take it, he says, “You have more color in your face.”
“It’s from sitting outside in the cold,” I reply before taking a bite of my food.
“Do you like the cold?” he asks.
I nod and swallow before I say, “Winter is my favorite season. Dad always took me –”
The pain is instant and sharp as it cuts through my heart.
Renzo places his hand on my back, his touch comforting.
I clear my throat. “He always took me ice skating.”
“I went ice skating once and fell so fucking hard my ass was sore for a week,” Renzo mentions.
The corner of my mouth lifts. “I’d have paid to see that.”