Page 66 of Deacon
"Thank you." Delores released her pent-up breath and continued on her way.
She made it inside the building and entered the private elevator that would take her up to his suite of offices. The minute she stepped into the assistant's large and spacious space, she knew she would have a problem. The woman recognized her instantly.
"Ms. Pennant. What are you doing here?"
"I need to see him."
"I am afraid that's not possible."
"I am not leaving here until I do."
"He is due in a meeting in ten minutes."
"That's all the time I need."
"I cannot let you go in, I am afraid. I suggest you call and make an appointment-" She broke off as Delores simply marched towards the double doors. "Ms. Pennant!" Seeing the woman scurrying after her would have been amusing as hell. But Delores was faster, and as she pushed the doors open, the woman came rushing forward.
"Sir, I am so sorry-"
"Get out of my way."
"Mr. Manchester-"
"It's okay; I will deal with it." Deacon sat back and flicked a hand at his assistant, who retreated, but not before giving her a baleful look.
"You wasted your time coming here. I don't want to see you."
Struggling to compose herself, she turned to close the doors behind her before standing behind his massive desk. He had shed his ash gray jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his baby blue shirt. And she was aching for him. "That's too damn bad." She told him coolly. "I called several times to explain that it was just a simple kiss."
His expression bordered on boredom and contempt. "I don't care. The relationship has run its course and-"
"Run its course?" Slapping her hands on the desk, she leaned forward, eyes spitting fire. "Do you think I will stand by and let you push me away?"
"You don't have a choice. Now, I suggest you leave before you embarrass yourself."
"Embarrass myself?" It occurred to her that she was repeating his words but did not care. "Is this how you are going to deal with us? One innocuous embrace from a friend, and you go running?"
"It should never have started up in the first place."
She sucked in a sharp breath at that. "I am pregnant."
His expression did not change except for the clenching of his jaw. "Is it mine?"
She stumbled back, the pain of that searing her insides. "Damn you." She whispered, refusing to let the tears fall. "Damn you to hell. You are letting her win, and you don't see it. You are frozen in time, allowing a lying and cheating bitch to control you.
You are a coward who cannot see past what happened to you and realize that this is a second chance to take. I love you, Deacon, with all my heart, and I am prepared to give you all of me.
But you cannot see me because of your stupid stubbornness and the focus on the past. I don't cheat. I am pregnant, and the baby is yours, whether you want to be in our lives. I am done." With that, she opened the doors and stormed out, leaving them open.
His assistant came rushing in immediately, all contrite. "I apologize-"
"It's not your fault. Please close the doors on your way out. I need a few minutes."
He waited for the doors to close before striding over to the liquor cabinet to pour himself a stiff drink. Taking it with him, he went to stand by the window, his mind buzzing from the words she had thrown at him. She had been magnificent in her anger, her eyes like melted golden brown chocolate.
He had felt like a fool rushing to the publishing house to invite her out to lunch with him and arrived just in time to see her in that bastard's arms. Something had twisted inside him, and the urge to get out of the vehicle and smash his fist into the man's face had been so tempting that it had frightened him.
She was pregnant. He had hurt her badly and had felt the hurt himself as she stood there looking at him. He had no idea what to do. His past, the horror of it, meant that he was unable to trust anyone, including her.