Page 45 of Deacon
She had thought about calling but was unsure if he would pick up. He had sneaked out of her bed in the early hours of the morning without even saying goodbye.
She had just put away the shopping bags and was enjoying a glass of wine on the porch when she saw the headlights approaching. Her heart quickened its beat and took a thud when she realized it was her brother.
She should have known that when he did not get her, he would do the next best thing, and she was not sure she was in the mood to be reprimanded.
Biting back a sigh, she stayed where she was and watched as he exited the vehicle and came forward.
“Beers in the fridge.” She said before he could greet her.
“I just had two cans with the steak my wife made.” He made himself at home by sitting next to her on the swing. “I have been calling you.”
“And you should have taken the hint. I was out with the girls and did not want to hear my brother telling me I was making a mistake.”
“So, I will do it in person.” He turned sideways so that he could look at her. “What the hell are you doing?”
“I am a big girl.” She did not like the fact that she sounded defensive.
“And being a big girl, you should know Manchester is using you.”
Her mouth tightened as the pain of that squeezed her heart. Taking a sip of the wine, she gave him a dazzling smile. “We might be using each other.”
“Del, what the hell. This is not like you.”
“It’s just sex.” She argued.
“And that’s bull shit. I don’t give a damn how forward-thinking you are; it will not be just sex for you.”
“I refuse to discuss this with you. Just leave it alone.”
“I am the one who will have to pick up the pieces when this goes to hell.”
Her eyes flashed. “I will be sure to cry in the privacy of my bedroom.”
“Look- “
“No.” She shook her head, fingers tightening on the stem of her glass. “I know what I am doing. He is damaged; I am aware of that. But when we are together, there is something. It’s going to take some time, but- “
“Good God!” David exclaimed.
“Are you falling for this guy?”
“What if I am?” She bristled.
Taking the glass from her, he finished the wine and handed her the glass. “You cannot be that stupid.”
“How dare you- “
“You know what he has been through. The man’s wife cheated on him repeatedly. He is bitter and mistrustful; he uses women; that’s what he does now, and you know it. What the hell are you thinking?”
“It just happened.” She peered into the glass as if expecting some more wine to materialize.
“I am fine.” She closed her eyes briefly. “I just have to be patient.”
“Oh, honey.” Sitting back, he pulled her into his arms. She resisted at first and then, with a sigh, placed her head on his broad shoulder. “I promise to whoop his ass if he hurts you.”
“I know it might not look like it, but I know what I am doing, and I am tough.”