Page 32 of Deacon
“Is that so?” He was struggling to get his rampant desire under control and was pissed that she was doing this to him just by being here.
“Yes.” Opening her briefcase, she took out some colored folders and opened one. “Jerri Colby has decided to go ahead with her cookbook, and Angela- “
He waved that away and walked around his desk to sit on the edge of it facing her.
“I am authorizing your international book fairs and only cutting your advertising revenue by half.”
“Oh. Well, that’s something. What made you change your mind?”
His lips quirked slightly. “Your impassioned speech when you were in my office the last time and something more personal.” His hands were folded at his chest, the silver eyes boring into hers.
“Are you involved with anyone?”
The question asked in his abrupt baritone had her jolting. “I beg your pardon?”
“It’s a simple question.” There was a note of irritation in his voice.
“Why are you- “
“I am attracted to you.” The irritation and impatience were increasing as if he was finding it decidedly distasteful to say it. “This is not something I am accustomed to. The need I am feeling is baffling in its intensity. The only thing I can offer you is a physical relationship. I want to know if you are amenable to such an arrangement.”
She blinked at him and felt the breath backing up inside her throat. He sounded like he was putting forth a business deal. This hard, attractive man with his indomitable character was asking her to sleep with him.
“What is your decision?” He asked impatiently.
“You want to sleep with me?”
His thick, dark brows lifted. “We would not be sleeping. I was having a drink before you arrived. Would you like something?” Unfolding his lean frame from the desk, he went towards the cabinet.
“Er- some white wine, please.”
He poured the drinks and returned the glass for her, his fingers barely touching hers.
“Thanks.” She took a sip of the excellent vintage and then another. “I love wine and have been collecting since- “She breathed. “I am babbling.”
“Because you are nervous or because my request puts you off?”
“I am nervous and surprised. Aren’t you involved? I saw you with someone- “
“It’s over.” He told her briefly. He returned to his place at the edge of the desk, the drink in his hand. “There is a bed here- “he waved a hand to a door to the left. “I sometimes stay here whenever I work late. We could indulge ourselves if that is appealing to you.”
“It’s not.”
“Or we could go to your place.”
“Yes. I have this need for you.” Putting away his glass, he approached her, and Delores felt herself stiffening as he came closer. “It’s baffling to me.” He took the glass from her and put it on the table beside the chair. Next, he removed the folders and her pocketbook from her lap and put them away. “I am quite experienced.” He assured her.
“I am sure you are.” Her mouth was dry, and her heart was pounding inside her chest. She should get out of there, but the pull was so powerful that she was just standing there.
“There would be no strings. I admire your fiery spirit and the fact that you are not afraid of me. I saw you last night and could barely control my reaction. You are beautiful.” One hand closed around her throat as he angled her head up toward him. “So tiny and so spirited. I bet you barely top five feet.”
“Five-two.” She whispered. His deep voice had softened and was hypnotizing her. His face had lost its harsh angles and planes, and she saw his potent attractiveness.
“I am six–two.” He massaged her cheeks, sending heat tumbling inside her. “I will make it good between us. I promise you.” He brushed his lips lightly over hers, back and forth, back and forth, without using his tongue as if he was giving her a taste of what he had in store for her.