Page 52 of Bound By Bronx
"I like how you said yet."
"Noticed that, did you?"
"I did, indeed."
"How'd it go, Dilemma?"
"Really good, Bronx. Really, really good." I loop my arms around his neck, meeting his gaze as tears burn at the backs of my eyelids. "For the first time, I feel like they finally understand who I am and what I want."
"And they're okay with that?"
I nod. "I'm sure there will be hiccups along the way. I mean, they've only been overprotective my whole life. They're not just going to magically stop overnight. But they're willing to try."
He hooks his arm around my waist, pulling me up against his body. "I'm proud of you, beautiful."
"Me too," I whisper. "How did it go with Garrett and Razor?"
"Colter and Xavier were there too."
"Seriously? The whole freaking family turned up to have a showdown with us today?" I groan, faceplanting into his chest. "Why am I not surprised?"
"Because you know how much they love you," he murmurs.
"Did it go okay?"
"Garrett hit me."
"What?" I jerk backward, shocked. "He hit you?"
"I let him."
I gape at him. "You let him hit you."
"I took his baby sister into a sex club, tied her to my bed, and fucked her. And I did it knowing she was his baby sister. So yeah, I let him hit me, Dilemma."
"Well, putthat way, it does sound bad."
"Yeah, it does," he says, chuckling. "But we hashed it out. He threatened to hide the pieces of my body if I broke your heart. Your brothers-in-law threatened to help. And then we had a beer and waited for you and your sisters to finish your fight."
"We weren't fighting."
"Baby." He cracks a smile. "You cried all night."
"That doesn't mean we were fighting," I mumble.
"You thought they hated you."
"Fine. Maybe we had a minor disagreement."
He laughs again, scooping me up into his arms.
"Where are we going?"
"Your sisters already think we fucked in the bed, Dilemma. We're going to rectify the situation."
"By setting the record straight?"
"Hell no," he says, carrying me toward the stairs. "We're going to fuck all over the bed. I have a plan."