Page 48 of Bound By Bronx
"You're the reason she missed dinner on Saturday."
"She was with me."
"At the club."
"In my apartment at the club."
"Jesus Christ," Xavier mutters again.
I narrow my eyes on him. "It's not a goddamn sex den. It's a fucking apartment. It's easier to stay there on weekends than itis to drive home, sleep for a couple of hours, and then turn right back around and go back to the club."
"This is all beside the point," Garrett says. "You took my baby sister to a sex club. You're sleeping with my baby sister."
"I'm marrying your baby sister!" I roar, my temper flaring. "Be pissed if you want. I can't change the way we met. I wouldn't even if I could. But don't fucking stand here and act like I committed some goddamn atrocity by ensuring that someone interested in the club had a safe introduction. And don't stand there and act like she's just some piece of ass when she's the reason my heart beats."
"What do you mean interested in the club?" Xavier asks.
"It doesn't matter." I brush off the question. I'll take her secrets to the grave before I spill them. "What matters is that she was safe while she was there because I made sure she was safe. And she'll continue to be safe anytime she steps through the doors because everyone in that club knows if they so much as look at her wrong, they'll never step foot through the doors again." I glare at Garrett. "You know me, Garrett. You've known me since we were eighteen years old. I would never do anything to put her in danger, and you know it. The only thing you're really pissed about is the fact that your baby sister is grown up and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it."
"I could hit you again. The first time didn't suck."
"Yeah, well, the first time is all you get before I hit back. And if I have to hit you, I'm going to be pissed because Gemma's going to be mad as hell at both of us."
"If you break her heart, they won't ever find your body," he says.
"If I break her heart and you don't hide the pieces of my rotting carcass where they won't ever be found, you don't deserve to call yourself her brother." I flick my gaze at her brothers-in-law. "Same goes for the three of you."
"Oh, I'll definitely hide the pieces." Razor rubs his hands together. "After I torture you so slowly you beg for death."
"Fair enough."
"What he said," Colter says.
"I'm with the sadist." Xavier points at Razor.
"Are we done here?"
"Yeah," Garrett sigh wearily. "We're done here."
"Are we good?"
"Hell no. You're fucking my sister," he growls. "I don't even like these assholes."
"Yeah, well, we've got bigger problems."
"What problems?"
"Your sisters."
He stares at me for a long moment and then laughs loudly. "Welcome to my life, motherfucker. They've been the biggest, most beautiful pains in my ass since my parents told me that we were adopting them. If they're stressing you out already, good. It's your turn."
"They're fighting."
"Give it five minutes," Xavier says, patting me on the back.
"Gemma's crying."
"Trust us. Five minutes." Colter holds up five fingers.