Page 66 of Wrong Bride
Oh shit.
A deep, gruff voice boomed through darkness causing her to fumble and almost drop her phone. Where was a fire escape when you needed one?
Biting her lip, she lingered in the window a few heartbeats longer, considering her limited options.
Heavy footsteps sounded behind her. Either she could stay like this and get clobbered because she looked like the unrecognizable burglar she was or she could smooth talk her way out of this with a little teasing. Maybe a kiss or two.
Degree by degree she straightened and turned on her heels.
In the darkness, she could see the outline of Whiskey’s broad shoulders and practically feel the hostility roll off him as he crossed the room.
She watched the shadows move and in a second light from a small lamp poured a soft, yellow glow over the whole office.
He came to an abrupt stop a couple of feet from her.
Jesus help her, he looked pissed and ready to pound some heads.
“Genevieve? What the hell are you doing here?” His anger evaporated instantly. “And in the dark?”
All good questions.
She quirked a brow. “I came to find you, of course. To finish what we started back at the flower shop earlier.” One thing about being a reporter, she always had an excuse on hand. Being discovered in the dark and her black ensemble didn’t offer any validity to her words, but she put one foot in front of the other and pushed through anyway.
“I see.”
Not yet he didn’t.
She slowly edged around a chair to come and stand in front of him. Her heart hammered in her chest. He dragged his gaze up the length of her bare legs, over her skirt and lingered a bit long on her puckered nipples. Thanks to her thin, silk bra and blouse her unwanted arousal was on full display for him to enjoy. If she’d known a little local B&E would be on her list of things to do, she would have opted for a better selection of clothing. Something a little less Pussy Galore and whole lot more James Bond.
She hissed behind clenched teeth when he pinned back those strong, wide shoulders and looked down at her from beneath hooded eyes. He crossed his arms which pulled the white material of his shirt tight across deliciously defined muscle. He’d lost the suit jacket and tie at some point in the day and she enjoyed the view.
Shirt sleeves were peeled back to reveal thick forearms and his tailored pants fit snugly over firm thighs she remembered all too well.
Swirls of black ink blazed up the length of both arms and caught her eye in the dimmed lighting. Those she didn’t remember. A nice, sexy touch, she thought.
She stepped into his space, and much to her relief, he didn’t seem to mind. He reached for her and rested his hands on her hips right below the band of her skirt. He rubbed small circles over the small patch of skin between the edge of her shirt and the top of her skirt.
Despite fighting for a straight face, she knew he could see into her eyes. He always had.
His expression morphed from confused to one of amusement. “What are you playing at? I spent a good forty-five minutes waiting?—”
Her clipped words cut him off. “I know. Sorry I didn’t make it to the restaurant. But you know what Idon’tknow?” No use in cutting corners and beating around the truth. She pressed a pink-tipped finger into his chest. “The level of cockiness it must take for a man to rename a town after himself.”
Realization slowly took hold.
He jerked his gaze over her shoulder to land on the table where his plansusedto be.
That amusement she’d seen on his face moments ago vanished. In its place was the cold, calculating billionaire. This version of Whiskey she didn’t know so well and she faltered a little as he stalked forward, pushing her back until her ass bumped into the large table.
“Where are my plans, Genevieve?” he asked in a low, warning tone, cupping her jaw. The velvety-soft sound rolled through herand played with her senses. “Tell me or I’ll find another way to get the truth out of you.”
Dare she hope?
She gave a single shoulder shrug, leaning back a little to raise her gaze to his. He towered over her a good half of a foot, but she never let the big guys win by size alone so she held her ground. To keep from laughing, she pulled the corner of her lip between her teeth. “They might be out for a midnight stroll until I get what I want. And you can do your worst. I’m not saying another word.”
He didn’t seem to like her answer all that much. Or, maybe he did. The massive bulge in his pants and the grim look on his face gave off mixed signals she couldn’t quite figure out.
“That’s your final answer then?” he asked innocently.